
Well-Known Member
Been struggling trying to decide whether to keep my discovery or not. I don't know if I just want a change because it's all I've had since I passed my test a couple of years ago.

It's only had one break down in that time, changing gear vigorously and punched a hole in the clutch fork.

I had two bumps in it well one in it and one outside as I watched it roll down the drive and almost rip the door off, it doubled back on itself but was fixed kind of with a jack and a hammer. And another where I reversed into a pole that I didn't see as it was the height of the bumper. Replaced the bumper though so that's fine.

I think I'm going to just keep it now, the door and wing are still all dented since that mishap but I just found the right colour door on ebay.

So when do you get rid, when the chassis rots or when you have the spare cash for another land rover?

My list of things that will need sorted are a new exhaust (back box fell off), the wheels need refurbished as they lose a lot of air and when I had a puncture repaired I could see it was because they were down to bare metal and I think the arches inside the back door are on their way out and it could do with a front wing if I find one the right colour. Is this list superficial enough to stick with it?

Oh and it's still full of water last year's excuse for a summer didn't help.
Same decision as I have to make.

Rust not too bad but engine playin up and I need reliable, decided to scrap it in April and tax the 90, at least its got no rot and its a propper Land Rover:)
What's going for mine is that it runs really well the only complaint is it still doesn't like cold mornings, almost spent a fortune on a red top battery last week then realised I should maybe just buy a charger to keep the battery topped up when it's really cold and that sorted that. Best £14 I ever spent.
I wish I could afford to run two motors, hopefully I can keep this one going long enough so that it can eventually just become a play thing.
I'm going to have to weld mine up before the MOT in April, usual inner wings, sills, read arches and a little in boot floor. I've thought about getting rid of mine and buying another, but then I think what's the point? If you buy another chances are its going to be rotting away in the same places, and could have other problems to go with it, unless you go and spend a lot more money. You might aswell keep it, do the jobs that need doing and at least you know the car, and know what if any problems it may have.
Hey folks, just new on here thought I'd join in. I agree with what folk are saying if you get rid you're gonna regret it, Landies are heart and soul, especially if its all you have had since learning, I would say patch up and make the best of it, its all part of the fun of ownership. On the other hand I think I will be eating my words soon as I have just bought a p38!! and you can't even get a haynes manual for them!!!
I've sold two recently and regret selling both, have replaced one and now just need to replace the other.......think it through :)
I put a s.o.r.n on my 300 disco when I bought a car which I had for two years. When I sold said car I put the disco in for test and she passed even though she was stood for two years. ;)
Depends on way you want a change
If your looking at selling it because of the work it needs to then buy another discovery that's in better nick then I'd keep it and just do what's needed because there all the same and they suffer from the same problems so you could sell yours at a loss and buy another that may not have the same problems as your but instead has other problems
But if its because you just want a change and try something else like a car then until you have had one your all ways going to have the same question in your head in which case you would have to go down that road and buy a car
BUT there's a good chance you mite not like what you buy and then wish you had kept the disco
Basically no one can Answer this dilemma but you

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