diesel cats are worthless, they are a filter and there is no precious metals inside.
people call then cats but actually they are particle filters, its like a ceramic type material inside.

I know that. You know that. Most of us here know that (apart from Chris D's MOT tester mate...) but you're average knuckle dragging Pikey doesn't know that. There were a LOT of 4x4s having their cat's CUT off with some kind of giant hydraulic cutters when I was in Swindon, and this of course meant the whole system was damaged. They picked on 4x4s as they were easier to get access. Most were diesels incidentaly...:confused2:

The whole MOT regs thing on cats makes me laugh. It's the same as the regs for filling jerrycans of petrol- the regs are for petrol only, not diesel... Try explaining that to the average jobsworth petrol station manager when you're filling 4 jerry cans of diesel to mix up at home. And don't ever tell them you're mixing it with veg oil... as "that's illegal!" They know because they heard it down the pub!! :doh:

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