My Old Landy

Keep breathin'
Full Member
I experienced the 'Death Wobble' for the first time today. I was travelling at around 50mph just exited a slight corner and the steering went ballistic!
I fought it and managed to bring the old girl to a halt. It shook me up a tad :oops:
It has aggravated my arthritis and strained something in my shoulder but I didn't crash so all is good :rolleyes:

Anyway I have just ordered a load of bits to replace on the front end as I didn't particularly enjoy the experience!!
There must be a market for a MobiLander..!

I experienced the 'Death Wobble' for the first time today. I was travelling at around 50mph just exited a slight corner and the steering went ballistic!
I fought it and managed to bring the old girl to a halt. It shook me up a tad :oops:
It has aggravated my arthritis and strained something in my shoulder but I didn't crash so all is good :rolleyes:

Anyway I have just ordered a load of bits to replace on the front end as I didn't particularly enjoy the experience!!
So what have you done or neglected to result in this? Seems very odd and like something is majorly wrong.
So what have you done or neglected to result in this? Seems very odd and like something is majorly wrong.
I don't know, I checked everything before last weekends off road event. I had noticed the steering knuckles have some play so had already ordered replacements.
I will replace all bushes and I have also ordered a new damper. Just in case I have also ordered new track rod ends.
It was a surprise to me so I will go over it in great detail to see if I can locate the source.
From what you describe it sounds pretty broken, did you manage to limp it home?
Yes after I had stopped, I set off again keeping under 40mph. It feels 'wobbly' but it didn't kick again. I was around 10 miles from home so I pressed on.
It doesn't feel right and I won't drive it again until I have found the problem and sorted it.
For it to happen abruptly like that something has come away or snapped loose, the only time I have had anything like this happen I was coming around a roundabout and the steering damper broke on one of its fixings, scared the bejeesus out of me!
Have you driven it much since the weekend?

was this the fist time you had got to speed?

Mud can sometimes play strange tricks the way it settles on rims, But it does sound as if something has had enough and does not want to play anymore.

Have you driven it much since the weekend?

was this the fist time you had got to speed?

Mud can sometimes play strange tricks the way it settles on rims, But it does sound as if something has had enough and does not want to play anymore.

I drove it to work 28 miles in the rain this morning and had got around 18 miles back. 50 is the fastest I drive on A roads. We did pressure wash it after Sunday but I haven't looked underneath properly. I will start on it on Friday :)
In fairness mate you really shouldn't be driving that until you have a look at it. Are you sure you didn't just hit a diesel spill in the road or something like that?

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