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After a week of a new whistling noise I looked in manual an it says a brake vacume leak! Thinking ok not that bad!! I drive on!! Today I drive to work and the noise gets worse! After finishing work I start to drive home! Half way the revs stuck on full pelt! What to do!!!! Cut the engine out! Black smoke everywhere!!!! I manage to pull her onto verge!!! Tried the ignition again an nothing! No lights no stereo! Absolutely nothing! I now have the difficult job of gettin a tow home! Jus waiting for rush hour to die down! But have to do it before dark! No lights !
Any 1 know what has happened here????? :-(
O dear! So it's ####ed! Basically ?

Not necc. it could just need new turbo seals, etc. if it all died before it all properly ran away and went bang.

What engine are we talking about here?
if it died of its own accord, you are may be ok (engine wise) sounds like the seals are leaky but not all the way gone, so it used up its supply of oil and died out.


if you do, it could well run away again and then it will be fecked.

check the sump, is there any oil left. if yes, all good, if not, it may have run out of oil and seized (which is why it died) then check the turbo for loose impeller, oil in the lines etc, I think you will find some there.

After that clean up the air intake and flush out the intercooler.
try turning over the engine by hand, see if it turns over ok.

Id then try firing it up with no turbo at all, before spending ££££ on a new turbo.
Thanks for the suggestions and its a 2.5td 1989 defender :)

Well for the price of a new turbo ( if it is bust) it might be worth finding a TDI out of a disco and doing an engine swap and enjoying the extra power/higher cruising speed
Yes I was always planning on doing this after My holiday and Christmas, out of way, I just don't like her stood for so long :-( especially with all extras on her! I have a vauxhall astra but that's playing up as well in an out of garage! I thourt landy engine was bomb! Proof an last me till early next year untill I can afford a new engine :)
As already said if it's just the turbo and you stopped it in time you can run it without ...but it will be sloooow but will tide you over until after Christmas
And what bout the electrics? I tried to turn it over about 5 minutes after the incident an it tried f a split second but then stopped an cut everything out! Nothing will come on!?
My silly friend said that his 1.8 gti golf engine would fit my defender! Now I'm no machanic but surly he's talking out of his arse?
An what would the final outcome be on that? Would that engine pull my landy? How would it fit to the gear box? Surly there's so much difference with them?
just because (technically) you could, why would you?

stick summat that already has a g/box mating made for it :)
An what would the final outcome be on that? Would that engine pull my landy? How would it fit to the gear box? Surly there's so much difference with them?

NO one said it should Only that anything is possible. You could fit a chainsaw engine to a landrover. It might fit but doesn't mean it'll drive the landy..

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