
Well-Known Member
Hello there. I have been searching long and hard and finally found a set of 16x8 et +8 modulars. Most being et25 or an obscene et-35! The +8 will give me a wider track by 49mm a side wich will suit my 50mm flexi arches.

before I take the plunge does anyone have a pair fitted and have a pic??

These are twice the price for just 17mm extra track a side than the et25s and I like to make sure its going to be worth it to me!

I know exactly what you mean and in the search bar I've found millions but none with this offset, everyone has the 25s! I do apologise and I knew i would get at least one comment on it! :)
I know exactly what you mean and in the search bar I've found millions but none with this offset, everyone has the 25s! I do apologise and I knew i would get at least one comment on it! :)
Stick around! someone less p!shed than me will come on and make a sensible comment!:)

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