Linky as requested.

Well the only real test is the test of time. If I do 50k without any sign of SHGF then I think I'll be abe to recommend it with confidence.

Did I mention that the fans haven't come on once since we fixed it? It's that stable. I would wire the fans into the controller but there doesn't seem to be any point.

Linky as requested.

Well the only real test is the test of time. If I do 50k without any sign of SHGF then I think I'll be abe to recommend it with confidence.

Did I mention that the fans haven't come on once since we fixed it? It's that stable. I would wire the fans into the controller but there doesn't seem to be any point.


I would leave them as they are - that way you have a back-up system.
I would leave them as they are - that way you have a back-up system.

Yes that's part of the reason I'm going to. No matter what happens with the controller the fans will come on at 104 degrees so it's a nice safety feature.

Right! Now onto fun stuff which people will actually notice! Like light guards etc :D.
Short update, today I was stuck in a huge gridlock for about half an hour. After about 25 mins the controller faulted with the code translating as "Measured tempereature is greater than or equal to 10 degrees above set point." Bear in mind that my fans are still controlled by the ECU and kick in at 104 degrees. The dash temp gauge didn't budge, so I reckon the temperature was at just under 100 degrees.

DD later suggested that I should have switch the air con on to spin up one of the fans, which would have been a good idea. As soon as I got moving again it cooled down and was fine thereafter.

So there you go, interesting factoid. I may wire one of the fans in now, see if that makes it happier. I don't trust the dash gauge on these cars, they have a dead band of about 10 degrees I reckon, a bit poor if you ask me. People might be cooking their injuns over time and wouldn't know about it.

Also, I haven't bovvered hooking in the EBP pump, as when I move off from a road which isn't gridlocked 24 hours a day it warms up faster than any other car I have driven. It's just my stupid butt-f**king inner city location which I really really want to move away from. So I'll keep it handy, you never know.

Additional also, by chance I was on my way to test drive a Disco 2 with Whitefaolan, interesting and very different from mah Hippo. Much bigger and fatter but solid and sturdy feeling. It really brought to lght what an achievement the FL is, it's not much smaller than a Disco but much more like a normal car in its handling. No diss to Disco's I thought it was a superb motor and I'd have one in a heartbeat, it was just really interesting to directly compare it to the Freelanders ride and handling.

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