Yeah. So many things to fix I am looking for economies.

Can it be replaced easily without the LR tool that RAVE says you need?
Yeah. So many things to fix I am looking for economies.

Can it be replaced easily without the LR tool that RAVE says you need?

Yes. It's just an O2 sensor. It's a bit like changing a rusted in spark plug. Obviously the cables have been cut already so you can use a ring spanner on it by disconnecting the crimp on joiners, then slide the ring spanner down the wires ;)
Today's leak porn...

First photo is through the hatch in the OSF wheel arch. Seems to be coming from the black round item in the middle of the frame.

Second is underneath and just behind the OSF wheel.

Suggestions on a postcard.
Shameless self-bump :D

Anyone tell me what the black circular thing is in the first picture above and what it might be leaking. Also a suggestion for what may be leaking down behind the OSF front wheel would be useful. Seemed odorless.

Cheers people.
As Hippo said, the round plug is the exhaust camshaft bearing housing seal. If it's leaking? Replacement is recommended. However, if money is tight, it is possible to reuse the seal plug, if it's glued into place with a bead of silicone sealant ;) The stuff wetting the could be brake fluid or power steering fluid. What colour is it?
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Brown, but that's probably because I'm wiping it off the chassis.

Is the housing seal a big job or a DIY one?
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Brown, but that's probably because I'm wiping it off the chassis.

Is the housing seal a big job or a DIY one?

The camshaft seal plug is a diy job. Although yours doesn't look like it's leaking much to me. Oil staining is quite normal. I'd only be messing with its wet enough for you to wipe fresh oil from it or its dripping. Yours looks OK to me. ;)

You will need to trace the fluid on the chassis. Try looking above the area for possible candidates.
I'll have the wheel off and arch out as soon as my decent jack comes. There was an MOT fail about power steering ram leaking so I guess that's it.

Sounds fun.

I'll be doing disks, pads and brake pipes while it is off.

Thanks for the help BTW :biggrin1:
Could someone confirm that this part on eBay is the seal where the tailgate window goes up and down. Mine is crocked and I don't want to spend £40 on the wrong bit (when I have so many other broken bits to replace!)
Could someone confirm that this part on eBay is the seal where the tailgate window goes up and down. Mine is crocked and I don't want to spend £40 on the wrong bit (when I have so many other broken bits to replace!)

The one in the link is for the top of the rear door where the glass comes through, so yes that's the one.
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Being a sucker for a cute face I shall be buying this:

It has been standing at a local lot for ages but I don't think I have seen another in this colour. Anyone have a name?
The steering wheel may be a biohazrd. Yes, that is mold.

Yes, the door card is off....
Engine not too bad

No prop but the IRD pinion was still attached and seemed to feel OK. That's just a gamble though.
Still it is cheap, though not quite as cheap as @Alibro got his.
I do like that colour, and you have spot light brackets :)

Good to see another 1.8, far too many "my td4 is broken" threads for my liking ;)
Do not like the colour, but love the model.

You have a lot of work cut out here, sounds like something "Wheeler Dealers" should be taking on.

I would not worry too much about the tailgate window, that's easy to sort if the tailgate is straight. The interior is something else, however, as Terr said it does have the spot light fitting, and they are a sod to fit.

That is a good price, and a lot of restoration.

Is it 4 wheel drive or 2? Does the engine run?

That's what I would call a project.

BTW, know where you can get a fantastic replacement steering wheel.

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