As I live in Russia and they all have the me first attitude and drive like ****s, I have a small dash cam and it just fits behind the main rear view mirror. It only records 3 min intervals but unless you are recording a long trip to show later 3 min is enough to show the useless traffic cops that Russians are crap drivers and are happy to be on the phone wile driving with no seat belt but blame you for cutting in when they are the one doing so and when you show the footage to the cop lets you off for doing nothing but also lets the Russian who is I dick head with no licence off when he pays a bribe. Try explain it could be the cops kid he could have just killed by being a dick and the cop just shrugs you just know you are on to a losing argument if they don't value their own kids
As I live in Russia and they all have the me first attitude and drive like ****s, I have a small dash cam and it just fits behind the main rear view mirror. It only records 3 min intervals but unless you are recording a long trip to show later 3 min is enough to show the useless traffic cops that Russians are crap drivers and are happy to be on the phone wile driving with no seat belt but blame you for cutting in when they are the one doing so and when you show the footage to the cop lets you off for doing nothing but also lets the Russian who is I dick head with no licence off when he pays a bribe. Try explain it could be the cops kid he could have just killed by being a dick and the cop just shrugs you just know you are on to a losing argument if they don't value their own kids
I can believe all of this having seen some of the videos on youtube. I suspect a sizeable percentage of Russian drivers are drink driving too. I've heard from our local police that the Eastern European drivers are surprised that it is even an offence. :eek:
Thankfully I don't travel to far and the roadhawk I am thinking of buying doesn't have batteries I think it has a capacitor so at least I shouldn't have probs with that not planning on any trips to Russia :eek:
Get a wide-angle Dashcam and put it where the Tax-disc used to go. How can they then complain?
I very rarely take my car out after dark as its bad enough through the day. With having a UK and international licence and having driven in many country's including the middle east. Africa, The Philippines ,Afghanistan and Iraq. Russia is just backwards for driving they have no idea about safety or driving it is just me first and stuff you
Here is a pic of my dashcam. It's a Blackvue 650 by Pittasoft. Compact enough to mount behind the mirror. They have a quick release from the mount, and I have extra mounts and wiring in my other cars. I have 2 cameras and move them from car to car. The software is easy to use. The cam has already saved my bacon when my MG was hit by a pickup changing lanes without looking. The insurance adjuster changed his tune when I said I had video. The accident was ruled 100% the other guy's fault. :)
Sorry about the poor quality pic.
I am hoping with mine to be able to fit it a little further up so only the lens is showing I assume it would have to go to the side of the rear view mirror I don't think there will be enough room otherwise
I am hoping with mine to be able to fit it a little further up so only the lens is showing I assume it would have to go to the side of the rear view mirror I don't think there will be enough room otherwise

have a little look here this may be what your after
there are others like this search 2 channel dash cam
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Nextbase 402G - got two, one in the Defender and one in my daily.

Only issue are the batteries which last about a year, but ring Nextbase up and they send you another one out for free. Instructions on how to change are on YouTube, takes about 15 minutes including a small bit of soldering. Can't fault the camera though - easy to use, easy to set up and wide any lens. Can get them for under £100 now.
Oops sorry I thought it was Halfords and ordered two at that price but I have just checked everything and it was somebody advertising in their section but I still can not understand how that could be I may be sending them back if they are no good
Next base 402G - got two, one in the Defender and one in my daily.

Only issue are the batteries which last about a year, but ring Next base up and they send you another one out for free. Instructions on how to change are on YouTube, takes about 15 minutes including a small bit of soldering. Can't fault the camera though - easy to use, easy to set up and wide any lens. Can get them for under £100 now.
A friend has got the 512gw and he swears by it, the nextbase dash cams always seem to come out on top for video but it is the battery prob that puts me off , that's why I was looking for a discreet one with a capacitor like the roadhawk or maybe the a119s
I have a couple of mini dash cams, which were about £30 each. They do what I need, without paying for frills that I don't need. They are small enough to be hidden from view by the rear view mirror.
which dash cams are those Nodge i,m looking at getting one myself but just want something basic.Thanks
I've just posted a couple more videos from my Navman MiVUE630 on this thread...

The quality of the video that the dashcam takes is very good. It gets reduced a lot when I upload to YouTube. I've got it better by saving the video into a different codec/format before uploading, but still nowhere near great.

The MiVUE Manager software that Navman supply with the camera for playback is pretty basic. There's no editing and no map showing the route. I've been hunting around and found a great bit of software called "Registrator Viewer". I haven't a clue why its called that, but its a great bit of software. It has the ability to group all the 3 minute segments 'into 1' and plot the route on a map. A pointer on the map follows the video and you can move the pointer which also changes the video position. Below the video it graphs the GPS data such as speed, altitude, G force etc. You can put selection start and end points then save that selection as a new segment video/gps file. The grouped segments, which may be complete or your newly created selection segment can be saved into a contiguous file for viewing in standard movie players, uploading etc. Best bit about it is it is extremely fast - it apears very light on processing power.

Unfortunately it sounds like the creator was killed in a motorbike crash so it won't be updated any more and it is difficult to find a good download. I forget which link I got it from in the end, but it took a bit of Googling and something was found that I (half) trusted!

I use "Any video Converter" to take the Registrator Viewer saved files and them save them into as different codec/format for uploading.

I'm not 100% happy with my Navman after this trip. We did a 3 days trip over to the west coast, total 860km. I formatted the 64gb memory card before setting off to make sure it was clear. I was not expecting it to be able to hold all 3 days footage but wanted as much of the 'early' footage as possible and didn't care to much about the last 100kms as we drive it often. So an hour from home I turned it off to save overwriting early footage. When I got home, I put the memory card in my PC to find it had 9gb free. I was happy with that as I assumed it had managed to record everything with space spare. Looking at the footage though, the first 2 hours was not there. I don't know why it removed it as there was free space. I was doubly unhappy cos I did an overtake of about 12 cars in 1 drag in my L Series Freelander and it was part of the footage lost! Also on the lost bit was an overtake of about 6 cars where I got up to 120kmh as I noticed a cop car I was also passing parked up on the verge. He must have been having elevensies cos he didn't come after me lights and sirens! It also lost some other small sections of footage during the trip with the .mp4 files reported as corrupt.
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After much searching of the internet I decided on a DDPai M6 Plus , apart from having a battery(only for date /time stamp) in it dose more or less what I want it to do the good thing is if/when the battery dose go the dash cam will still record .Unlike some others I am led to believe, it just will not record the last clip when the engine is switched off
Even the Nextbase dash cams which are "the best according to WHICH" are only 20 quid more than the links you send. I wouldn't go cheap as over time they will just rattle themselves to death. Screws fall out, they drop off the dash etc etc. Size doesn't really matter, they usually fit fully behind your rear view mirror so you wont see them at all.

You also want one which comes off easily for secure storage, some of them are a pain in the backside.....

Last but not least get the kit which lets you plumb it into your fuse box... its easier and saves cig lighter for tom/tom or what have you.

I would always buy from Amazon, we had one for my wifes car and after 10 months the screws dropped out and the thing dropped to the floor (suction pad still on the window) and broke one of the cameras.

Amazon instantly refunded...
is there a name for that piece of kit that allows wiring to the fuse box?

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