Sidecar fan

New Member
The lights on the dashboard behind the computer trip display and the speedo on my 2002 P38 have given up the ghost. How difficult is it to change them - do you have to dismantle the whole dash? :scratching_chin: If so I think I'll just live with it!!
Just need to take the column cover off and the trim around the instrument panel. Then the cluster just un screws. Not sure what bulbs there are but easy to get to. Don't turn the key when the cluster is out as it will give you some faults!
Just need to take the column cover off and the trim around the instrument panel. Then the cluster just un screws. Not sure what bulbs there are but easy to get to. Don't turn the key when the cluster is out as it will give you some faults!

Unless you want a face full of airbag both battery leads should be disconnected prior to removing instrument pack. Negative first. Then wait at least 10 minute for SRS to discharge. You have been warned.
Unless you want a face full of airbag both battery leads should be disconnected prior to removing instrument pack. Negative first. Then wait at least 10 minute for SRS to discharge. You have been warned.
Had mine out last week. Didn't touch battery. Face is still the same. ;)
The lights on the dashboard behind the computer trip display and the speedo on my 2002 P38 have given up the ghost. How difficult is it to change them - do you have to dismantle the whole dash? :scratching_chin: If so I think I'll just live with it!!

You haven't by any chance moved the dash light dimmer?
If you don't want to do the job again replace the bulbs with LED ones. They're T5 286 and you can get 10 in green or white for about £4 off Ebay. They tend to be a bit bright for the three in the binnacle so rough up the surface a bit and put a coat of paint on to soften them. They are polarity sensitive so you may have to have two goes at getting them the right way round. They also fit straight into all the other dash light positions apart from the HVAC unit as they're slightly longer than a normal filament bulb. I did get them in the HVAC by paring away the plastic coating and fitting them into the plastic holders. The old HVAC bulbs do come out of the plastic holders fairly easy with the advice I read elsewhere - gripping the bulb in your teeth!!

I've done all of mine, they were all out when I got the car. Window winder switches, ciggy lighter, HVAC unit, clock and the three in the binnacle. Green LED's give a lovely warm glow at night rather than the harsh white. The only downside apart from having two goes to get them the right way round is that they don't dim like a filament bulb - but they'll last for ever.
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