
New Member
As requested, a follow up to a previous post, I can tell you that the blue LED bulbs I bought to brighten the dash gauges do work; say, 70% better.
I can now see the info on the dial from a nice blue background. However, if you imagine the dial as a clock face, it shines most brightly at 10-11 oclock and 4-5 oclock for some reason, instead of evenly around the complete dial. Its a big improvement, but could be better I think.
you could always frost the led or put a filter in ther to spread the light more ...

. can see your clocks..i'm youll be tellin us your heater is warm... a unique landy...i want one
Is there any chance I can have the bulb and green holder fro myour fuel gauge? :) and the green holder from the temp guage? please? :D

dunno, not really looked. when i put my extra fuel tank in I used a 2nd gauge, but its got no bulb/holder/lens.
I have just one dash light working on the clocks. I have searched but cannot find a guide to replace the bulbs. I would be happy with original spec ones. Is it straight forward to replace them? How many do I need and where can I get them?

Did notice on another site (lanrovernet) one guy bought these for his Defender and reckons they work well and are cheap. No probs with being from Hong Kong seller on ebay.. excellent feedback etc. 2pcs 501 W5W Wide Angle 6 LED (White) Dash Wedge Bulbs on eBay (end time 19-Jan-10 14:46:25 GMT)
Just in case anyone is interested :) the instructions that came with the bulbs it did say the green inserts could be removed but if so could never be put back. Also, it looked as tho` if you did remove the green insert the orifice (oooer) would be too big to accept the bulb. So I left them in.
I`ll look again and if they can be taken out complete and still fit the bulbs, you are of course welcome to them.
:) thanks Chico, I would appreciate that. There is a large hole where the bulb goes in I thought the green filter clipped into this, maybe im wrong. I did email Croytec to ask, but no response. I also have a VDO temp gauge (with actual readings) to go in, thats got a bulb but no green bit. maybe i will paint it :D

then i have an oil temp and oil pressure to go in to but no green bits only plain bulbs!

lots to do this year!

hang on Griff - on the Disco (yeah i know) its housings take a bulb prefitted into its holder. Cant remember the number exactly - 2hundred and summat - they come in green.
pop into ya local Halfrauds and have a nose about. You cant replace the bulb, only the bulb and holder assy.
sypher, I left the green filter in so that should help, although come to think of it they did f*** all to diffuse the original bulbs so p`raps not. :rolleyes:
What do you mean `frost the LED`?
Oh sheddyOO, speedo was the worst dial, almost black I couldnt see my speed at all. Now its the brightest of the four dials, although cant count turbo boost guage as I couldnt change it for an LED as the wrong fitting.
Oh and the heater, I did take viscous fan off last week and it gets to operating temp a bit quicker but doesnt get any hotter, dammit.:(
So no miracle there. :)
I did take pics of the newly illuminated dash Sirus, and was gonna try to post them, (although i`m a dummy at this unless theres a REALLY easy way to do it).
However, using the flash dampened the dial illumination and with no flash didnt do the real brightness any justice!!!!!
So no point, sorry.:(
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