Any 50mm /2" clock or gauge will fit.
I think mine was out of a td5, mine is an 86 my. Got it off ebay maybe 18 yrs ago.
On mine it’s a battery gauge.
That is what mine had a land rover voltmeter. (I am currently looking for a replacement if anyone has one kicking about!) but a clock was also an option in later models. Any 52mm aftermarket gauge will fit if you want to fill it with something so you can have all sorts of weird and wonderful things there if the standard options do not take your fancy.
Base model of the time just had that blank from new. I fitted a clock from an old Rangy in mine.
The oil gauge in other truck I have been un able to get to work.
Everything checks as it should, it is basically same as voltmeter reads electricity what comes in & goes out?
I have weeks figurung out the wiring.
I've fitted a set of Durite gauges - with an oil pressure gauge in the RH position, I already have a clock on the dashtop/watch/phone!

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