
Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I've been hearing alot of stories about city drivers being scammed, it's nothing new. Five blokes in a clapped out Nova brake hard right infront of you and you rear end them and they all get out rubbing their damned necks - you know the drill.

Anyway, I thought it would prudent for this and many other reasons to install a dash cam. I know nothing about them, how they work or how much they cost. Can someone help me out?


Drive within your, and your vehicles, limits. Simples;)

Sage advice, to be sure. But who knows when you might be a witness to an accident? I've even seen and heard of scam where people reverse into you, no witness can be arsed to get involved and insurance always comes down on the side of the car that was infront.

Seems like a small price to pay should an incident happen :).
Drive within your, and your vehicles, limits. Simples;)

Good advice but it's of no use if some scamming piece of scum does what WLJayne states in the opening post is it.

And I quote.
"I've been hearing alot of stories about city drivers being scammed, it's nothing new. Five blokes in a clapped out Nova brake hard right infront of you and you rear end them and they all get out rubbing their damned necks - you know the drill."
Seriously though, If 5 guys in a crappy nova are going to brake test somone it is not likely to be umpteen tons of 4X4. Personally I like to play with the HGV's;)

Dash cams are becoming increasingly popular among drivers and some businesses fit them as part of their insurance agreement. I know HGV drivers have been using them for years especially in the eastern block due to robberies mainly and false insurance claims being made against them.

From personal experience when dealing with road traffic collisions dash cams can provide invaluable evidence with complete impartiality. Unfortunately the majority of road users choose to do nothing more than have a good look and carry on driving when they witness a collision. With the camera you get a third party view if you like and if necessary it can be shown to a judge and they can make up their own mind.

I know how frustrating it can be when it's one word against the other and despite the best efforts generally no prosecution will be brought if their is no independent witness.

I can reccomend Roadhawk as it seems to set the benchmark in the field at the moment but look at paying between £200 to £400 which is a small price to pay against losing your no claims bonus. The basics you want are Time, date and speed stamped via GPS, auto record on start up and maybe a min of 1 hours loop.

I personally don't have one yet... but have seen the difference it can make in a situation.

Buy or don't buy but a great piece of kit non the less. I imagine in years to come it will be fitted as standard to vehicles probably under pressure from insurers!! Thieving bastids. :mad2::mad2:
God ouch yeh that video is exactly my point! The roadhawk looks the nuts, but I have a GPS black box for my insurance so I'm not sure if I'd benefit from the extra functionality. They can tell if you have an accident and call you right away.

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