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Oddly enough, one of the recommended best dash cams is a yi 2.7 inch 1080p which sells for under 40 quid.
Which insurance companies give you discounts ither than AF. (For AF I'd like to know the criteria for their list of approved cams, as a couple on that list are near obsolete) and do these other companies insist you buy from them?
Oddly enough, one of the recommended best dash cams is a yi 2.7 inch 1080p which sells for under 40 quid.
Which insurance companies give you discounts ither than AF. (For AF I'd like to know the criteria for their list of approved cams, as a couple on that list are near obsolete) and do these other companies insist you buy from them?
I have a garmin nuvicam fitted to my disco LV gave me 10% off my policy.
I have since discovered AF count any HD dash cam, but the onus would be on us to ensure it's always working I guess, even with the small discount my current insurer was cheaper ( as long as I don't have a van)
I always make sure dash cam is on , just like seatbelt. If I was involved in a prang I wonder if the insurance company would withhold payment if dashcam wasn’t on.

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