
Hi all, have stripped the dashboard top and panel, removing all foam as well. Had them galvanised and now need to recover. Has any body done this? Not sure which foam I should use, s there a product than can be sculpted once applied to get the original contours? I have seen the trim upgrade cover for the top..... Beginning to think I might be going too far with this rebuild! Any help appreciated.
Nick, was it wise to remove the foam moulding? I probably would have left it in place and repaired any splits with expanding foam, then recovered. I have just done this to mine and was quite pleased with the result. Trying to recreate the original shape seems like an unecessary challenge to me! If you can find some firm foam, you may be able to stick it onto the base and re-shape with a hot wire, but I would just source another!
It may have been unwise, yes! Like you say, probably get some firm foam and re-shape. Pity not to use the panels now that they are galvanised.

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