
New Member
hi guys. me again. think im def getting probs from the prop shaft area re grumbling noises and vibrations. the car was bought from a cheap used car place and i decided to ring the guy as it should have been fit for purpose when he sold it me and if this is a prob then it def wasnt and he said to bring it in tomoz and his mechanic will look at it. im a bit concerned hes gonna try and quieten it down and say theres no prob there. is there a way he can do this without taking the prop off and making it a 2 wheeler as i intend to check the work when hes done with it. any checks i can make or info i can take with me to let him know i know of the problem with these and the costs of putting it right? he only had the car up at 1500 so i cant see him paying out for a proper repair. cheers
One wheel up test as below to prove the status of yer vcu.

If yer worried about him taking the ird or rear diff apart and removing something to hide a 4x4 drive fault, then:

lift both front wheels - turn 1 and other lifted will turn via diff in ird
lift both rear wheels - turn 1 and the other lifted will turn via rear diff
lift both wheels one side - turn 1 of them and the other lifted will turn via rear diff, prop/vcu and ird

That all proves yer drivetrain is connected. Don't matter what Freelander 1 you have, or gearbox.
One wheel up test as below to prove the status of yer vcu.

If yer worried about him taking the ird or rear diff apart and removing something to hide a 4x4 drive fault, then:

lift both front wheels - turn 1 and other lifted will turn via diff in ird
lift both rear wheels - turn 1 and the other lifted will turn via rear diff
lift both wheels one side - turn 1 of them and the other lifted will turn via rear diff, prop/vcu and ird

That all proves yer drivetrain is connected. Don't matter what Freelander 1 you have, or gearbox.

nice one. thanks. will let him know i intend to check it. im not sure what hes gonna suggest as fixing it properly is gonna cost him even with his bloke doing the labour.
See if you can be in the garage when his monkey looks at it. Even watching from a distance will tell you if they had a proper look.
Hippo is spot on taxi..

You shelled out your money for it, so its irrelevant of its a cheapish car or a 20 grand car. DEMAND to watch the mechanic perform the tests.. And if he gives you health & safety bollocks about being in the workshop, tell him you'll either watch from outside, or if thats not possible, tell him to get his monkey out to the carpark with two trolley jacks and do it out there!!
Be calm. Be precise wiv the fault. Be prepared for them to have a look at it. Then push a bit more if they don't seem to be getting anywhere. If you kick orf from the start then you'll get know where fast. They're human afterall. Try to get the monkey (not pudding) to take it out on a test drive wiv you. Point out the sound so he knows what it is, and when it does it. If needs be take the garage owner for a drive also. If you get know where wiv them then take them both for a test drive un we'll meet yer at a dead end. :eek:
Be calm. Be precise wiv the fault. Be prepared for them to have a look at it. Then push a bit more if they don't seem to be getting anywhere. If you kick orf from the start then you'll get know where fast. They're human afterall. Try to get the monkey (not pudding) to take it out on a test drive wiv you. Point out the sound so he knows what it is, and when it does it. If needs be take the garage owner for a drive also. If you get know where wiv them then take them both for a test drive un we'll meet yer at a dead end. :eek:

nice one guys. lol. thanks a lot for the advice. going over at 11 so will post later with the results.
I had a bad rumble and vibration on mine when i first got it, swapping the tyres front to rear moved the noise and proved it was just the tread on one of the tyres, which now sits on the spare.

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