:rolleyes: You haters of all freelanders are just jealous,cos in the grand scale of things our problems are minor,we don't have to watch as our car gets more holes in it like a cheese before our very eyes,we dont have to have a welder as an extra limb to be used at a moments notice,and the reason you always see a smiling hippo driver is we can actually hear the funny chatter and banter on the radio whilst doing 70 up the motor way:D:D:p
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P38 owners you mean.. thm would be the ones with porous blocks.. discovery.. no boot floor and inner wings held together with filler..

they would have given the freebie to the wife I expect... till the doors fell off

That would be 95% of them then:D
They were just messing with you, as soon as you agreed they would have just fallen on the floor laughing :rolleyes:

I doubt that very much as these guys are typical Disco/Range owners, they think "humour" is a vegetable ......:D:D:D
UM. . . . . .The Gaylander is the best 4x4 by far :D un its even betterer wiff black leffer arm rest [polished to a Willo standard] of course. . . . . .un it aint a friggin Tratter :D :D :D wiff a pig in the back :eek: :eek: :eek:

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