Active Member
Just heard about this not a huge amount of info on tinter web but thought it could be a good laugh and all proceeds going to charity. Would anyone be interested in getting a group stand? I'm gona go as its in my home town but would be nice to put a face to a name.

Even has camping available. This is the first year so let's help them make it a good one.
Ill be there as its a stones thro from Renfrew
Date in the Diary just need exact location
Ok found the face book page sogot some more info.
Cost is £8 per car showing going to yorkhill children's charity
£4 per adult kids go free
I assume you can bring a car full and only pay to show
Also looking trade stands if anyone is interested.

It's on 10am-5pm with camping for the hard core.

For anyone that knows Dalry it's in the park behind the bowling club gona get a look at the weekend.

Gona see about getting a landyzone club stand so we can park together.
I just found out its £16 for me and the wife to show tiny so may not be taking her feel it's a bit steep to give up my Sat. Might go for a look but not to show if the weather is good
Gdam , its on the same weekend I'm heading down to Falkirk , I take it its ok to go on the Sunday so might have a run thro unless its the Sunday I'm heading down ,

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