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Hi Sue, yes offer still stands for welding ect! if you call for coffee bring your mugs, my Sue says we don't have enough!(plenty of room to park on the road outside) wish I could join you but she won't let me, just got rid of the defender and got a disco, it's to good to lane !
Russ & Sue
Hi Sue, yes offer still stands for welding ect! if you call for coffee bring your mugs, my Sue says we don't have enough!(plenty of room to park on the road outside) wish I could join you but she won't let me, just got rid of the defender and got a disco, it's to good to lane !
Russ & Sue

talk about deja vu...:D:D
Hi Sue, yes offer still stands for welding ect! if you call for coffee bring your mugs, my Sue says we don't have enough!(plenty of room to park on the road outside) wish I could join you but she won't let me, just got rid of the defender and got a disco, it's to good to lane !
Russ & Sue

You big softy!!:)
Hi Sue, yes offer still stands for welding ect! if you call for coffee bring your mugs, my Sue says we don't have enough!(plenty of room to park on the road outside) wish I could join you but she won't let me, just got rid of the defender and got a disco, it's to good to lane !
Russ & Sue

Thanks :D:D

You could find a spare passenger seat for the day :D
Suppose I should get to sorting that out lol. Is there a campsite sorted? Stay in hotels all the time so looking forward to Ruffin it. :)