Pencil me in for the Sunday please. I'll try and convince the mrs to come try laning. 3 hour drive for me so wouldn't wanna bust something and struggle getting home so it'll have to be the normal group. Thanks
I'm sat in my virgin media work van on my iPhone with tapatalk app bluebeasty I can't even quote you lol!! 😬
Let me know when you have booked John and I will post the site on here

Did you contact them by phone as I have been trying for ages and keep getting answer machine, have even left messages and getting no reply :confused:
Yes, I rang them, perhaps its lunchtime and they are busy

Will PM you the number I rang
Thinking about it the mrs will be 7 months preggers then so maybe best to stick to the normal group.
just got through and nobody there to take booking, have to phone back after 6 :scratching_chin:
What a pain. I've already got something in my diary that weekend that I can't change, otherwise I would join in.
Extreme Group
1. 200
2. foxhornet
3. Sarah 90

Normal Defender/Disco Group
1. GDhaydock
2. Dr Evil
3.HideeHi & Johnnew
4. Difflock Sat IamRobbie Sunday
5. Westwood 8055

Easy Group - Freelanders, Newbies etc

You lot are going to be fighting to get in my Freelander group :p:rolleyes::D:D:D

I have far better plans than that :cool::cool::cool: