Another change of plan. I have decided I dont want to lead the normal group on my own. I would have been happy to take the Freelander one but this has changed.

So some slight reorganisation of groups has been arranged

Andy 200 Extreme Group
Nrgserv - 109

GDHaydock/Suew Normal Group
Westwood 8055

HiiDeeHi/Johnnew Normal Group
so what lanes am I doing now........assuming I have enough fuel to do both days or even get there :eek:

The same ones, you haven't moved :D:D

I suspect you would have real trouble going some bits of the extreme route in the series, so I've left you with the normal people :D:D
The same ones, you haven't moved :D:D

I suspect you would have real trouble going some bits of the extreme route in the series, so I've left you with the normal people :D:D

Yep dont want to be dragging a ronky old land rover round all day.:behindsofa::D
The same ones, you haven't moved :D:D

I suspect you would have real trouble going some bits of the extreme route in the series, so I've left you with the normal people :D:D
and ya reckon a 109 inch leafer is gonna cope better than an 86 inch leafer :eek::scratching_chin:
Yep dont want to be dragging a ronky old land rover round all day.:behindsofa::D

and ya reckon a 109 inch leafer is gonna cope better than an 86 inch leafer :eek::scratching_chin:

Yes :D:D Well actually no, I dont think there is a cat in hells chance of you a) Freeing the 109 from its current storage position, b) Having time to put it on the road c) Letting Kate drive your Disco in HiDeeHi group :D:D:D

And no offence meant to the Doc, but driver experience came into that decision as well :p:p

Ooops, just noticed Kate and the Disco have disappeared from the list for some reason ??????????
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