Only joking with you.:D:D So when do i get route 2 to see how stuck we really are going to be.:D:D:eek:
Note to ones self get ground anchor made.:D
I have 6.......;)
The normal at the moment :D

I think Neil is going to lead this group, at least I'm working on it :D:D

If not we will swap the groups around to put you in the other normal group.

Unless you want to go in the extreme one.

Might still be some more wanting to come. I just didn't want too many for the amount of leaders we had. We are OK at the moment.

I have acquired a winch......:rolleyes:
Does this mean you are changing your group to Extreme 2 instead of Normal 2 :D:D

And you laughed when I wanted a winch :p:p Why is it OK for you to have one and not me :rolleyes::rolleyes:

cos I know what to do with it :p

it aint fitted tho :eek:
What mate,
Dangerous Bri from work isn't on the list, should I be adding him

I have told you before he's not my mate i just work with him.:D:D
My new mate is my son read back a few pages when i explained to Neil.:D:D
Are you guys going up friday night or just setting of early saturday morning.I was thinking of going friday and staying.
The normal at the moment :D

I think Neil is going to lead this group, at least I'm working on it :D:D

If not we will swap the groups around to put you in the other normal group.

Unless you want to go in the extreme one.

Might still be some more wanting to come. I just didn't want too many for the amount of leaders we had. We are OK at the moment.

normal seems ok for me , my first time greenlaning so i dont wanna try extreme jus yet,also if anyone got any tips / advice for me about what ill need ect i would appreciate it thanks