
New Member

I'm nearly done with sortig out electrical gremlins (or to put it another way, bored of them) so thinking about the next task- dumb irons and an outrigger patch. The original plan was to take it to the local landy specialist to get him to sort those as I don't have any leccy in my garage and no way of getting enough there to run a mig. Would I get away with welding dumb irons with an Oxy turbo kit or are these just toys- the smallest one is rated to cope with 1.5mm steel but I think the larger ones can cope with 2.5mm which should be about right- has anyone used these succesfully?
in theory you can gas weld lr chasis, we always did back in the day. dont know if a turbo gas will be OK, ive never used one, it may be hot enough but not have enough heat,(yes this does make sense).
Cheers- worryingly I see what you mean!:)

I suppose my other choices are 'pay the man', get a full oxy kit or keep an eye out for a welder generator on fleabay. I've seen a few tigs that are described as 'suitable for running from a genny' but am assuming they really mean suitable for running of a bleedin' big genny and not the sort I can squeeze in the garage.
Hi. If you buy an invertor welder you can run it from a 5kva. But if you don't already have a 5kva genny you might as well plumb for a welder generator. A lot of modern migs don't use a huge amount of power. I've had mine at the end of a 50 meter run of extension cord before. Admittedly the cord got a bit warm but the weld was fine. I was welding 6mm steel too.
You could hire one of the small, inverter stick welders and run it on as many extension cables as it takes! :D
I like that idea although at a quarter of a mile, i may get fecked off with having to coil it up at the end of the day ;)

Its looking like the welder generator is the better option- only occurred to me that I'll need somewhere to run a grinder off too otherwise I'll be removing the dumb basterds with a junior hacksaw and a toffee hammer.
Where are you? I know if you asked nicely some of the members on here would help out for a few beer tokens, I know I would.

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