
Dummy Ejection Facilitator..
Anyone one here fit the above description?? If so & you was the twaat in the Black D4 who decided to overtake me at the 300yard marker for a A350 turn off and then pull back in to take the same sliproad. It didn't get you very far did it yu CUUNT.!!:mad: Did yu like me little trick on the roundabout?? ya face was a picture as I sailed past ya... :D Oh and as your obviously a thick bastid. A little tip for yu.. Ya meant to stop at a redlight ya ****ing ****er.. :mad: :mad:
Anyone one here fit the above description?? If so & you was the twaat in the Black D4 who decided to overtake me at the 300yard marker for a A350 turn off and then pull back in to take the same sliproad. It didn't get you very far did it yu CUUNT.!!:mad: Did yu like me little trick on the roundabout?? ya face was a picture as I sailed past ya... :D Oh and as your obviously a thick bastid. A little tip for yu.. Ya meant to stop at a redlight ya ****ing ****er.. :mad: :mad:

Do I detect a hint of animosity in your post?:eek::p
Do I detect a hint of animosity in your post?:eek::p

Just a tad!! (Low sugar moment I think) :eek: got him lovely at the first roundabout 1 car in front of him waiting for the traffic to clear to go straight on RH filter lane was empty so overtook him and cut across the front of him as he pulled away. :D :D :D. And there he stayed for about 5 or 6 miles when he turned off. He even ran a red light to try and stay with me. :rolleyes: