
I’m currently debating buying a 57 plate D3. I’ve just read the D3 buyers guide (thank you, it’s brilliant!)
We have a couple of ‘specialists’ near me and being in the motor trade they already knew me.
I started asking a couple of questions and the chap behind the counter said they are not an interference engine?! I don’t think I’ve come across one of them since 90’s Vauxhall’s
I also probed about the belts, asked if the rear belt is important, I know they are tensioned so this kinda answers itself but anyways...he said no they are not important.
I didn’t know for certain as I’m new to these but my cow poo detector was spiking, can anyone please help me out
The one I am looking at has had the EGR replaced but it was a couple of year ago, is this something that fails often? I work in the VAG group and EGR’s are ordinarily expected every 5-6 years.

Many thanks!
I was/am keeping my eye out for a D3 if the right one comes about.
I however, refuse to pay the £500+ RFL so am looking out for a pre March 06.

The cambelt is at the front, the rear is the fuel pump belt. If it goes, not catostrophic damage but will cause a breakdown. IMO good practice is to have all the belts changed at the same time (unless your stupid...)

Also around the 2007 era the TDV6 had a 'new' oil pump design fitted and they had issues with them ....... Which in turn snapped the cambelt and causes lots of damage. Do some research of that.

Yes the EGR's are a common issue (as with most dervs with them around that era to be fair) depends on mileage/age etc but I would expect to get at least 60k + out of them..... Or better still blank/remove them completely and MAP them out and you will have a much cleaner engine internally.....
I was/am keeping my eye out for a D3 if the right one comes about.
I however, refuse to pay the £500+ RFL so am looking out for a pre March 06.

The cambelt is at the front, the rear is the fuel pump belt. If it goes, not catostrophic damage but will cause a breakdown. IMO good practice is to have all the belts changed at the same time (unless your stupid...)

Also around the 2007 era the TDV6 had a 'new' oil pump design fitted and they had issues with them ....... Which in turn snapped the cambelt and causes lots of damage. Do some research of that.

Yes the EGR's are a common issue (as with most dervs with them around that era to be fair) depends on mileage/age etc but I would expect to get at least 60k + out of them..... Or better still blank/remove them completely and MAP them out and you will have a much cleaner engine internally.....

Thanks for the wise words, the D3 buyers guide did mention the oil pump I believe but there’s no way to inspect this without the cambelt cover removed. I’ve looked into further and yes this is a big worry. I think this may promt me to do what you are and look for an earlier one and also the added benefit of the cheaper VED
Defo interference, belt/tensioner failure means big expensive trouble.
If in the vag group why not the Q7? much better engines.

One egr valve for each bank, pre 07 can be blanked for 20 quid, post 07 needs blanks and a remap/egr delete map.

Take a real good hard look at the sills especially at the bottom where inner meets outer, they are now getting old.
Defo interference, belt/tensioner failure means big expensive trouble.
If in the vag group why not the Q7? much better engines.

One egr valve for each bank, pre 07 can be blanked for 20 quid, post 07 needs blanks and a remap/egr delete map.

Take a real good hard look at the sills especially at the bottom where inner meets outer, they are now getting old.

The Q7’s come a host of issues and I know the D3 can have a hefty price tag to repair but I dare say the Audi’s charge more. The leak coolant in the V and if your unfortunate it’ll leak into the auto gearbox module. Air compressors are 3 times the price of the D3. I could go on lol
After working with the VAG range absolutely nothing inspires me, even the big power units.
It would seem the 07> is the age to miss by all accounts. I’m in no rush, the D2 will (fingers crossed) will be on the road by the end of next week
Sorry being dim but is an interference engine where a valve travels into the same area as the piston plse

Many thks
Sorry being dim but is an interference engine where a valve travels into the same area as the piston plse

Many thks

I’m not sure if other folk refer to it differently but yes an interference engine to me is valves colliding with pistons on the event the belt/chain gives up the ghost.
I’m not sure if other folk refer to it differently but yes an interference engine to me is valves colliding with pistons on the event the belt/chain gives up the ghost.

Many thks , indeed there’s a few valves on the D3 , only 4 x can shafts and 24 x valves , lol

Ps, glad the buyers guide was helpful
The Q7’s come a host of issues and I know the D3 can have a hefty price tag to repair but I dare say the Audi’s charge more. The leak coolant in the V and if your unfortunate it’ll leak into the auto gearbox module. Air compressors are 3 times the price of the D3. I could go on lol
After working with the VAG range absolutely nothing inspires me, even the big power units.
It would seem the 07> is the age to miss by all accounts. I’m in no rush, the D2 will (fingers crossed) will be on the road by the end of next week

I get what you are saying, but sometimes it really is better the devil you know.
If a belt snaps it's bye bye for that engine!


If you can


Find a



That is what i'd go for, just because its "built" and goes on forever! ;)

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