Sounds like release bearing is done for. Noisy spigot bush is common on TD5 your noise sounds worse than they do
Yeah, with the pedal down the gearbox isn't turning so it isnt that. Spigot bush makes more of a squealy whine and your vid sounds like grindey noise
Just listened to your video again and now I'm not so sure, it could be either of them. For the cost of the parts I'd replace both as the gearbox would be off already
My money would be on release bearing..... If your going to take off the box, you might as well replace clutch plate, bearing and spigot bush.
Update: noise was the spigot bush, which was utterly, utterly ruined and was bouncing around. Didn't require any tools to get it out; it quite happily fell out when I took the clutch plate off!

New clutch, bush, thrust bearing and flywheel now installed...

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