Hello, may I ask for help from greater brains than mine please. After 2 months of not driving, the sls compressor on my Discovery 2 is not running.

Error codes 4153 - Compressor (Power amp with electrical connector interrupted)
and 4167 - Event ON-duration compressor

Tested with a Hawkeye Total

No volts are arriving at the compressor when the air bags are deflated, doors shut and engine running.
Connection 30 on the sls relay (R5, under the bonnet) shows 0.45v (I believe that this is the feed, via the relay, to the compressor).
Connection 86 on the sls relay shows 3.8v (I believe this is the feed to the relay switch).

Any suggestion please, apart from changing to springs - I prefer to keep the air suspension.
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Error codes 4153 and 4167
Hi, you should say the clear description of those codes though... and what scanner you used
Connection 30 on the sls relay shows 0.45v (I believe that this is the feed, via the relay, to the compressor).
if by SLS relay you mean R5 engine bay then that's a problem, you should get 12V in 30 and nothing in 86(or vice versa cos the diagrams are not 100% accurate all the time), check fusible link FL9 and if it's good the fusebox is very suspect
Thanks for your reply sierrafery.

Oops, apologies for not including error code description, makes sense to include them!

code 4153 - Compressor (Power amp with electrical connector interrupted)
code 4167 - Event ON-duration compressor

And yes, the relay I'm looking at is R5 under the bonnet.


(Original post now edited to include this infomation)
Can anyone suggest where I might find what these code mean, the words are rubbish to me!

Error codes (from Hawkeye Total):
4153 - Compressor (Power amp with electrical connector interrupted)
4167 - Event ON-duration compressor

I believe that these faults might be stopping the suspension compressor running but can't find anything helpful on the internet.

Many thanks.
I've already told you what's the problem, read again my reply and if it's unclear let me know what you dont understand and i'll try to exlain better
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Hi sierrafery, many thanks for your reply. Yesterday, at last, I had time to look again at the air suspension and your suggestions. I found a blown fusible link FL9 caused by a siezed air compressor. Now sorting both these issues.

My request for more information on the fault codes, and the meaning of the words, was meant as a more general enquiry - ie, is there a list of error codes anywhere, which includes my two codes, with a better description than given by Hawkeye? I've found some codes and descriptions but non includes the two I have. If there is I may be able to troubleshoot without having to ask for help.

Cheers, and thanks again.
is there a list of error codes anywhere, which includes my two codes, with a better description than given by Hawkeye?
Unfortunately no such thing(at least i couldnt find one), you have o understand well how the system works then it'll become quite obvious what's the issue based on the fault codes
New pump and FL9 fitted. Compressor wouldn't run. Pressed the off-road switch and it burst into life and pumped the rear up. Not sure why it needed the off-road switch to work?

I'm hoping everything is sorted now and that the standard height wil be maintained automatically. Thanks to all for you help.
Not sure why it needed the off-road switch to work?
Because as it was completely down the sensors were out of the tracks and as you forced it up with ORM they got back into the accepted limits but if during your work you unplugged the sensors at a time it'll need recalibration with nanocom or similar to work well

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