
Active Member
Hello all, my first thread.

I recently bought my 2004 D2 in the UK. As I live in France I am having to change the headlights to LHD for the French MOT and registration. Having bought them from a well known land rover site they arrived yesterday so I looked on the discovery section to see if there was a thread on how to change them over. It was then that I saw a thread on the theft of this type of headlights and how prevalent these thefts appear to be. No other models seem to have this problem.

I can only think that contributing factor could be pre face lift D2 models being updated to a newer looking model means that there is a demand for this type, hence some of the thefts. Where there is a demand there will be someone willing to supply.

I am not saying that people should not be able to take pride in their D2s and get them looking the best they can.

What I would like to throw out into to forum is that the real problem is that each headlight does not have a unique identity number, so, if a possible stolen headlight is recovered by the police or one of us buys a stolen one there is no way of putting the thieving bags of pus:mad: who are in possession or sell said headlights in front of a court.

As after searching I cannot find any suitable light guards that will only possibly cause more damage if someone steals my headlights I thought another way could be make the headlights identifiable.

Another search on a subject that I saw used to identify objects from the home to deter burglaries. Micro dot technology. I have now done another search for "micro dot security", this throws up loads of results. I found one where you paint on the microscopic product, enough for all valuable bits of the car not just headlights for around £25.

I am going to be doing this as If I can't keep the headlights on the car I want the thieving scum to be caught and IF enough owners did it and signs were put in car windows this scourge may be reduced.

Thanks for reading and thoughts.
You may get a call soon as I would like to do the pyrannisse either this year or next
No problem. Just pm nearer the date and I'll let you know where I am. Just bought nanocom so can help fellow D2 td5's out.

looking towards st jean.jpg

Taken 2 weeks ago, looking back towards France. Only around the 1100m mark
Yep. Me likes me comfort now. Ace playing up though. Other than that can't stop grinning when out and about. As an added bonus my wife like the thing too.
I have an es premium as well and like you say very comfortable car stick it in crouse at 75/80 climate controle on
Ref ace get a lr dealer to fix it as they have the jig to set it back up when the block is disconnected
Might change the sat nav as its a bit out dated now
I have an es premium as well and like you say very comfortable car stick it in crouse at 75/80 climate controle on
Ref ace get a lr dealer to fix it as they have the jig to set it back up when the block is disconnected
Might change the sat nav as its a bit out dated now

Mine hasn't got cruise but that didn't put me off as I know I can retro fit for @£100. I will take your advice on the ACE and take it to the land rover dealer in Pau or Biarritz equal distance either away. As for all the rest I have a very competent mechanic with a barn fitted out like a garage.
As for the sat nav I put the becker unit and my tomtom on at the same time and see the difference, which is a bit unfair as I updated the disc for the tomtom this year and the Becker has a 2003 disc. After all the stories about how bad the factory fitted option is I have been pleasantly surprised, although I still wouldn't trust it or any sat nav 100%.
Sorry to nudge in on your love-in chaps, but reading the original post, I thought what's wrong with an ultra violet pen, mark your postcode or something that'll trace it back to you. Another possibility is Smartwater. This comes as standard with some vehicles, such as Honda motorcycles.

That is you were.
but all this smart water and engraving means fook all to ebay. if it's nicked stolen or robbed they don't care as long as they get there percentage. Plus if it is cheap enough peeps will buy even if it was robbed from ther grandmother. Anyone want to argue this point prove you haven't bought cheap fag's booze or parts for your landy.
but all this smart water and engraving means fook all to ebay. if it's nicked stolen or robbed they don't care as long as they get there percentage. Plus if it is cheap enough peeps will buy even if it was robbed from ther grandmother. Anyone want to argue this point prove you haven't bought cheap fag's booze or parts for your landy.

As you have said it is not down to eBay to check if this are 100% legit or not. People know how much land rover parts are worth, if it's too cheap, why is that.

Also the same can be said if someone on this site wishes to sell/give/swap something that is stolen, landyzone will not check everything. It is down to each and every persons moral and intellectual standing to what and how they buy. Hopefully with a site like this it will be policed by each and every member as in the end we all have a vested interest in stopping any theft from or of, any thing to do with our beloved Land Rovers. I pay too much for my insurance and this is due to thieving scum, the same thieving scum who sell cheap, fake fags and booze. It called diversification, or need and supply. So if you have bought those cheap fake fags and booze and by what you have written you are implying that you have! You may have financed their criminal life style to some degree.

If by me putting this form of security measure on my car someone could get sent down or just come to light as being involved. Then it will be worth it as it could lead to bigger criminal activities. Once a crim always a crim.

I apologies in advance if my last comment offends.
Personal thoughts we can use many things to trace things that have been stolen
The first thing is how to stop it happening
stop the demand for the theft.

It seems to be the same with alcohol. Price goes up. people stop going to pubs so much. pubs close. supply and demand. A very sad problem for the pub trade and it is such a shame for a great British institution.

If people want the lights there is no way that I know at the moment to stop them. If there is please let me know. If they want them they will take them. As in the start of the thread it took 20 seconds in one case from them entering the driveway on cctv to taking the lights out and leaving.

This is why in my opinion and that is all, it is my opinion if we can make the thing they want to take be it headlights, high lift, nanocom, etc... then making the "thing" identifiable it surely can't be a bad thing. Can it?

For £25 I'm in.
I totally agree with smat warter or other hidden marker products
I just wounder if there is a way to stop it from happening
As has been quoted supply and demand for parts is high and dealer prices are very high
I don't think there is a way to ever stop it
Shame as we all work hard to have the things we like
I totally agree with smat warter or other hidden marker products
I just wounder if there is a way to stop it from happening
As has been quoted supply and demand for parts is high and dealer prices are very high
I don't think there is a way to ever stop it
Shame as we all work hard to have the things we like

you work hard, I work hard but not everyone does. As discussed some people like it for a very low price or nothing.

One thing I do find sad is that so few people have commented on this subject or appear resigned to the fact it is going to happen.:(

I wonder why I left the UK..........
I'm in the process of designing a headlight security fitment upgrade kit for the disco 2 facelift anfter having my headlights stolen. Prototypes should be made up and fitted by next weekend.
Hello all, my first thread.

I recently bought my 2004 D2 in the UK. As I live in France I am having to change the headlights to LHD for the French MOT and registration. Having bought them from a well known land rover site they arrived yesterday so I looked on the discovery section to see if there was a thread on how to change them over. It was then that I saw a thread on the theft of this type of headlights and how prevalent these thefts appear to be. No other models seem to have this problem.

I can only think that contributing factor could be pre face lift D2 models being updated to a newer looking model means that there is a demand for this type, hence some of the thefts. Where there is a demand there will be someone willing to supply.

I am not saying that people should not be able to take pride in their D2s and get them looking the best they can.

What I would like to throw out into to forum is that the real problem is that each headlight does not have a unique identity number, so, if a possible stolen headlight is recovered by the police or one of us buys a stolen one there is no way of putting the thieving bags of pus:mad: who are in possession or sell said headlights in front of a court.

As after searching I cannot find any suitable light guards that will only possibly cause more damage if someone steals my headlights I thought another way could be make the headlights identifiable.

Another search on a subject that I saw used to identify objects from the home to deter burglaries. Micro dot technology. I have now done another search for "micro dot security", this throws up loads of results. I found one where you paint on the microscopic product, enough for all valuable bits of the car not just headlights for around £25.

I am going to be doing this as If I can't keep the headlights on the car I want the thieving scum to be caught and IF enough owners did it and signs were put in car windows this scourge may be reduced.

Thanks for reading and thoughts.

You might find it cheaper to buy a French registered Disco -

all the work done on your vehicle for the 'MOT' and registration has to be backed up by the receipts that it has been fitted by a 'competent' mechanic ...

my bro-in-law was stitched up big time for his camper MOT and registration when they moved to Nanteuil-en-Vallée, 10yr ago ...
I have just bought a 54 plate Facelift Disco 2 and had to take out one of the headlamps at there was condensation on the inside.

There are 2 screws in the top holding them down to the bonnet slam panel and a further screw on the inner edge holding them to the bodywork around the radiator. Yet folks are telling me that "they just pop out".

It seems to me that they will not "just pop out" without a lot of damage to both ligthts and surrounding bodywork. Am I missing something here or was the design updated for the last few vehicles made? The latter hardly likely I would think.

Smart water is OK, but the police have to find the headlamps first after they have been pinched. Then they would need a detector to detect the smartwater and to be smart enough to think about using that detector - too many "ifs" there for my liking.

The Datatag kits you can get for motorbikes have the same problem, but do also come with an etching kit - but the kit uses a datatag ID rather than the vehicle registration. So we are back to square one.

Perhaps the best bet for ID is to use something like a Dremel to engrave the vehicle registration to to lamp units, then fill in the etching with black paint to highlight. This hi-vis approach might just convince the thieves to take someone elses lights instead.

Or wire them up to the mains..........

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