
Well-Known Member
I came out to work this morning and as I walked past my 2003 td5 and it was making a fast click/ticking noise, quicker than every second. Like an electrical sound, relay making etc. The noise was coming from the very back corner, drivers side, when I unlocked it it stopped and hasn't happened again but when I mentioned it to the Mrs she has heard it before but not mentioned it?! Had a quick look but couldn't see much behind the panel.

Anyone else come across this before or know what it could be?

Thanks, Rob
If it’s electrical it’s something perminantly Live, I can’t think of anything in that area that perminantly live other than Maby load sensors if your on air on rear axle that then would dump air when you remove weight but that if from the valve block as far as I’m aware, no reason for a load sensor to make a noise. Other thing is Maby check air bags if again your on air that could make a similar noise if it’s developed a pin hole leak, and wet so many like when a tyre blows bubbles. Hard to say without hearing it, has everything been working as it should?
Thanks for your reply. I have springs on the back and the fuses have been pulled for the sls. Ill remove the trim when I get chance and see what's behind there. Its definitely like a relay bouncing. Stopped as soon as I unlocked it..
Will do if it becomes regular but difficult with it being intermittent at the moment
Yea so if you open the boot it was from behind where the louverd removable panel is in the trim on the right
Working silly hours at the moment so haven't had chance to check properly. Last hooked up about 6 months ago and all lights were fine. Ill have a Google of that and see what it involves. Thanks
Doing it again this morning! Soon as I unlocked it it stopped then wouldn't do it again! Had a look behind the panel but apart from the look going down the corner there is nothing there!
Doing it again this morning! Soon as I unlocked it it stopped then wouldn't do it again! Had a look behind the panel but apart from the look going down the corner there is nothing there!
Hi, like Kermit said fuel filler flap solenoid is the only thing behind there. It's a bit of a pain to get to unless you just pull the fuse going to it, F2 interior fuse box & see if it stops it happening.
The noise is back! I can make it do it when I plug a trailer/caravan in. it's under the OS rear light but between the skins, I can't get to it from inside or out. I may have to take the light out and reach down possibly but what is in there?!

The noise only happens when elecs plugged in and ignition off ignition on and it stops! Buzzing/shorting elec noise

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