paul fletcher

New Member
Hi all, have done a thorough search, believe me!!!

While driving home last night the suspension on driver's side dropped whilst on M6. Nice. Bounced to next junction (fortunately only 1 before mine) and pulled over. Didn't pump up.

Bugger - airbags, i thought. I've had it for getting on 2 years and don't know when they were last changed.

Limped home, bouncing every now and then. Left it on the drive and resisted the urge to have a Fawlty Towers moment on it. Gave it 5 mins for the prozac to kick in and started it up. No rise, compressor working. Left it an hour, started it up, all fine.

So, is it airbags, ride height sensors or both?

Or is it BCU? Ain't got a Nanocom or Hawkeye...Answers on a postcard please!

And no, BoB, I don't want to burn it.....
Hi Paul, are you saying that you can hear the compressor pumping ? if yes, check the airpipe connections at the compressor end and the air spring ends.
Hi biglad, yeah, compressor fine, no sign of leaks at unions/joints. No hissing noises at bags either. Just driver side that drops, which makes me think bags but it pumped up after being left for a while...wierd...
Chances are that it's the bag. Your symptoms sound exactly like mine a month ago.
It kept going down intermittantly & no signs of leaks, then suddenly 50 miles from home, it went, leaving only about 2cm of suspension & then the bump stop. Sadly the bump stop didn't make it, but a new bag cured it.

It may be wise to check the vavle body, specifically the area of the electrical contacts to the left and right valves. When I had problems with my suspension it took me ages to spot that air was leaking through the electrical connector
Thanks guys, I'll have a good nosey at the valve block before slashing the cash.

Biglad, I'm gonna use Paddocks, I've seen your posts re them and they are definitely the cheapest by far! Don't know how others justify their prices...
Its possible its a problem with the solenoid air valve to that bag exhausting the air in the bag to atmosphere. Its in the main box with the compressor and an easy way of checking it (and to see if its any other part of the system specific to just that side) is to simply change over the pipes between the two solenoids. That way, if its the solenoid, the other side will now not rise up. It happened to me and that was what was the problem....there is a way to unstick them if it is....a microwave and olive oil would you believe:)
Mancinifrance, thanks mate, will have a look, am doing it this weekend weather permitting. You can't leave me in suspense, what's the deal with the microwave and olive oil???
Mancinifrance, thanks mate, will have a look, am doing it this weekend weather permitting. You can't leave me in suspense, what's the deal with the microwave and olive oil???

As the saying goes "the Management accepts no responsibility for collateral damage......." i.e. its not something I want to put on the open forum...don't want to be sued cos somebodies 9yo has read his dad's posts and given it a try with his die cast Landy in his mum's best microwave!!!-
Needless to say don't use your best microwave, don't do it indoors and don't whack it up on High!
I have got exactly the same problem as you. I have had a diagnostic bloke out today and he says that the laptop tels him its a compressor fault ??

Have you had any luck to date ??? need to know soon as im in the shed at the moment looking for the sledge hammer !!!
Just buy a new compressor/valve block assembly. It's definitely the easiest option.

The entire thing comes as a unit in a new plastic box, and you just put it on. Alternatively, you can probably source one off somebody who has gone to coils due to leaky airbags (maybe)....
Had the same problem changed both bags they only last about 6 years both were leaking both & ride height sensors but still went down o.night 1 side, so i checked the compressor the valve block was leaking through the electrical connectors these are not available anywhere so it was a new compressor but its perfect now


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Thanks for the info, looks like it,s a new compressor. A few people have told me that the bags are u/s after 5/6 years so could be a costly fix.
Thanks for the info, looks like it,s a new compressor. A few people have told me that the bags are u/s after 5/6 years so could be a costly fix.

I would change to springs then unless you really use need the benefits of the air bags.....its just one more complicated electro/mechanical system to have to keep replacing bits on...ride height sensors have a limited life as well...they are cheap enough and easy to fit but when I had to replace mine I was lucky the new one gave the same ride height without calibration...the dealership wanted over 100 euros to set it up again!!!
Hi all, thanks for replies, not had chance to have a look yet, hectic weekend!

Have got new air springs on the way, gonna have a good look over it when they arrive, if it's the compressor then the bloody thing is getting converted to springs! Ain't taking the hit on that three weeks before christmas!

Firstly, thanks for all the replies and advice...

So, springs arrived today, had already printed off Urban Panzer's how-to on SLS replacement (which is excellent, by the way) so away i went.

Checked ALL connections first, no leaks.

Checked old bags, no signs of was always the driver's side that dropped, with the other side trying to compensate.

Changed the bags over, like everyone says, it really is a doddle.

Didn't disconnect battery / ride height sensors etc as no need to.

Driver's window down, doors shut, switched on, took a couple of seconds to get it's bearings, then rose immediately, a LOT faster than it used to.

Danced about with joy for a bit, then took it over a load of speed bumps in the village, not a murmur, loads more comfortable, quieter and smoother. The old driver's side bag must have been absolutely knackered!

"But why didn't you check all connections first?" I hear you ask.

Because after reading loads about this subject I was gonna change the bags regardless. As Biglad says, they should be treated as a service item.

Sincere thanks again for the help and advice, and if anyone wants a second hand, known to be good (ish) bag for diagnostic purposes, it's free to the first taker.
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