That dog makes me feel looks like it could pounce and rip your jugular open at any moment...

Totally agree with post 11 too.........
Family guy is one of my fav shows, must be rubbing off.

I have a swing away spare carrier to install.

Anything I should know before I start drilling?

That's a bit harsh.

Nice car.... do you have any problems sourcing parts?

I'm in Mexico, and it's a bit of a pain in the ass.

Some body parts I can get out of the U S but al engine parts have to come out of the UK. FedEx = Expensive.
Testing the 4X4, IT WORKS!!:D


Sunset that evening out west, really nice.

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I swear to God...i saw the dog and the words 'Esther Rantzen' came immediately to mind..

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