Yes. That is wrong.

This is correct.

-------Back of engine.----





------Front of engine.------

so all the previous quotes of this on the site are wrong as well then. and also from what i got from rave which i posted earlier

sorry for any misinformation. :(
so all the previous quotes of this on the site are wrong as well then. and also from what i got from rave which i posted earlier

sorry for any misinformation. :(
if you look at the engine you will see no 1 sits slightly further forward
if you look at the engine you will see no 1 sits slightly further forward

well i thought i was being helpful by using the search function and copying information already quoted on the site.

obivously in future i will shut my mouth. but at least i used the search :)
so all the previous quotes of this on the site are wrong as well then. and also from what i got from rave which i posted earlier

sorry for any misinformation. :(

If they were different to that yes. Don't worry about it, there is a lot of misinformation on here. If in doubt ask for clarification. :):)
well i thought i was being helpful by using the search function and copying information already quoted on the site.

obivously in future i will shut my mouth. but at least i used the search :)

Hi sas1810. I made this mistake from rave when working on engine. Rave v8 workshop manual states.....
LH 1 3 5 7
RH 2 4 6 8
Of course LH is left hand side of car (passenger side) not left bank of engine as you look at it from front. Would have helped a numpty like me if Rave had put RH figures first above LH, then it would have looked like an engine. Wammers figures are clear and (of course) correct.
If you ever get mixed up as to which side is which, the left is the left side of the car and the right is the right. Sounds obvious and it is. Looking the way you did originally means if that if you were standing side on the back would be left and the front the right or vice versa. All lefts and rights are from when you are sitting in the car facing forward.
I am glad that one one was cleared up.

A big thank you to any who has posted - i did not want to create any aminoscity between anyone just get the correct information.

I have found this site the best one around and it has done me some huge favours and saved me money.

Thanks again to everyone.

a bit arse lickey but i thought it needed saying.

PS - when you look at the coil pack connections dont forget that its assumed that you have it out of the vehicle and not when it is in situ - it makes a hell of a difference as the connection are mirrored when trying to connect the leads from leaning into the engine bay from the front.
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