
New Member
Hi all.
I'm very confused, a whole bunch of threads seem to have completely disappeared - hence the new one.

I had huge problems getting my heads off, eventually resorting to all kinds of fun and games to get them off....

Anyway, I've just had a call from the machine shop telling me that they've pressure tested ok and an initial inspection of the mating surface shows what he thinks is a bit of a channel starting between one of the cylinders and the water jacket...! Assuming he's right, that is just the news I was hoping for!

So, I'm having them skimmed, then I plan to do a bit of porting work before refitting.

I'm planning to get a set of ARP head studs, and an aftermarket gasket set - with an OE composite head gasket (from V8Tuner). I'd appreciate any comments on whether these items are a good idea...?

I'm 90% decided to put in a new cam, lifters, timing chain and sprockets... thoughts?

Beyond that, I need to replace a few random bolts here and there - 13mm head on the back of the heads and 8mm head exhaust heat shield - anyone know where I can get these from??

Finally, to anyone who was screaming "6 sided socket" at me when I was having my head-bolt removing problems, I have just taken delivery of a set of used Snap-On Blue Point sockets from ebay - in fantastic condition too. So I was listening! And I'm now well armed for re-assembly. :)

So, thanks everyone for all your input. Fingers crossed for now. I'm sure I'll be back soon when I've got 2 1/2 spare bolts, a random washer, and 3 electrical connections that don't seem to fit together!!:doh:

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My thread disappeared too!!!

Glad to hear you finally got that last head bolt out! I've used V8tuner in the past and found them to be very helpful. He recommended a crower cam to me in the past and i really like it, wasn't focused on pointless 5000rpm+ powergain but more driveable lower down bhp and torque.

May as well fit all steel timing gear and get rid of the standard nylon toothed cam gear. Lifters i'd go with genuine landrover.

ARp stud kits are very good but maybe abit ott for a standard engine but what ever you chose to do i wouldn't re use any old head bolts.

Get yourself a torque angle gauge for re fitting the head bolts too, from what i remember you do them all up to about 22nm then angle tighten 180degrees.

I'm sure you won't end up with any shoulder bolts!!
sounds ok PAYNE gaskets are good , make sure its all OEM at least.

think hard if its worth spending the cash- are you going to keep it? is the rest of healthy?
grind some metal of the exhaust flanges so you can get line of sight on the head bolts,that way you can assemble the head and manifold on the bench and fit as one.also if you have to remove the heads again you can do so without having to remove the manifold first
think hard if its worth spending the cash- are you going to keep it? is the rest of healthy?

Is the rest of it healthy... are you having a laugh?? Its a P38!:rolleyes: Seriously though, I'm pretty smitten with it. :D Its a great car (when its working), the LPG has been running sweet as a nut since I got it properly sorted a year or so ago, black with cream leather and wood and generally pretty tidy. I've got a set of BFGs on steel rims for when the snow comes, and usually run it on a set of 20" rims off a Sport - so it looks good, but not 'drug dealer bling'. And do you know something else.... I've never needed a big car as many times since its been laid up! Normal cars just don't cut it... although they do tend to work....:doh:

grind some metal of the exhaust flanges so you can get line of sight on the head bolts,that way you can assemble the head and manifold on the bench and fit as one.also if you have to remove the heads again you can do so without having to remove the manifold first

Nice idea.... but I won't be doing any grinding down in that engine bay! I'm pretty sure it'll all go back together like a dream....;) Bish bash bosh, time for a cuppa - not!:eek:
do your grinding on the bench, reassemble complete with h/shield then fit as a single lump.also get a couple of old headbolts,cut the hexagon heads off, cut screwdriver slots in them with a hacksaw then screw them into the block to provide alignement so you can just drop the heads back on without fumbling around
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issues you will come across
use the arp stud kit
as using the head bolts can if they have been overtightened in the past damage the threads in the block and the degree tightening is over kill
use only gen followers they are the best
do your grinding on the bench, reassemble complete with h/shield then fit as a single lump.also get a couple of old headbolts,cut the hexagon heads off, cut screwdriver slots in them with a hacksaw then screw them into the block to provide alignement so you can just drop the heads back on without fumbling around

sas speaks sense there , it will save a lot of ****ing about

I understand better now... the heatshields were a nightmare to get off, so I can't imagine the refit in-situ would be any easier... so that's a top tip - Cheers. Having said that, thinking about it, presumably if I put it all together complete with inlet manifold I won't be able to use the 'studs-in-block' technique on a V8? But for the manifold & heat shield, I'm right with you on that one (assuming I can get the exhaust manifolds detached!!!)

issues you will come across
use the arp stud kit
as using the head bolts can if they have been overtightened in the past damage the threads in the block and the degree tightening is over kill
use only gen followers they are the best

Ok. So I should stop looking at 'bleed down lifters' and all that stuff..?

I got the heads back on Friday - looking really nice...! I asked the wife if we should put them on the mantlepiece as a temporary ornament, but she didn't seem to like the idea..!

I've finally managed to get a free weekend this coming weekend, so I'm going to spend the whole weekend on the car... I just need to buy my bits now. - Any top tips on where to get replacement bolts for the heat shield and for the 'harness-into-back-of-head'? Mine are knackered.

You don't really need a torque angle thingy. Mine tightened to 22nm then I put a spot of tipex on the bolts at one point. Tighten them up until the tipex mark is the other side (180 degrees) and you are done - easy really
You don't really need a torque angle thingy. Mine tightened to 22nm then I put a spot of tipex on the bolts at one point. Tighten them up until the tipex mark is the other side (180 degrees) and you are done - easy really

Yup, tippex - or something like it - was my plan. Can't go far wrong...
I wouldnt put the inlet manifold on with the heads off the car , just the exhaust bits etc.

LRdirect for parts
Just by way of an update....
It took forever to finally get the time to source all the parts and put it all back together, but I finally finished it just before New Year.

I sourced most of the parts from Turner Engineering in the end, as Paul at V8 Tuner (sadly) didn't share my urgency - nothing against him though, he was very helpful and I only wish he was able to fill my order in the timescale I needed.

Anyway: new Kent H180 cam with liberal coating of cam lube, new timing chain and sprockets, gen followers, new valve springs and seals, ARP head studs, head assembled on the bench, new gaskets, a general cleanup of all parts, and polished rocker covers.... It all went back together pretty easily in the end (I'd been pretty good about labelling bits as I removed them!). LPG system not yet fully connected as I want to make sure it is fine without it first.

It fired 2nd touch, I ran the new cam in for 20 mins at 2500-3000 rpm - with a couple of stops for coolant top-up along the way.

Got some temporary insurance sorted out and test drove it over a couple of days - mostly short journeys - walking distance from home... Anyway, so far it's not missed a beat! Not a sign of overheating, or over-pressurising!!! Could it be fixed?? Only time will tell, I have only done about 50 miles so far, but mostly on the roads I previously had overheating problems on. It seems to run really nicely so far though.

So, my only issue now is to get the insurance properly sorted (stupid delay because of LPG registration - grrrr!) - then I'm on the road properly again! :) Until the next time...

I just want to say thanks to all on here for their help and patience in answering my endless innane questions. Its been a steep learning curve, but I got there in the end!

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Glad its sorted mate. how much were the gen followers and where from?

Hi Fett
I got most of my stuff from Turner Engineering, including the followers. I paid £91.20 inc VAT for a set of 16. They didn't come in a LR box or anything, but I trusted that if a company with Turner's reputation says they are 'Original equipment', then that is what you're getting.

Having said that, I've just looked on your favourite - LR Direct, and the prices look pretty good; I'd not used LR Direct at that stage because I didn't have access to part numbers. Also, I didn't want to be ****ing about getting bits from lots of different places and waiting in for weeks for deliveries.
Hi men,Ive had a problem with overheating and the lad who done it replaced the radiator and away it went for about three miles then overheated and I was told it was a air blockage.Fine cooled the engine topped it up again.Great for 20 miles then overheated and snapped a bolt on the head. What is happening guys.

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