
Active Member

Does anyone know someone who has done a customer dash for a disco 2. I'd like one made but wanted to know if someone has done it before. Looking for something like this but smaller as I don't want to lose the aircon unit:
Not sure where the temp controls went :(

Anyone know anyone else that does custom dashes, soundman don't seem to be getting back to me!
Have a look at this site;- it's for 'Jeeps' but the method seems to be quite innovative. I'm wondering if it could be knocked up for the Disco. I'll have a word with my brother as he's a wiz with 3D printers to see if it's feasible.

Marcus I was thinking about this the other day. Would be so much cheaper if someone could get you a cad design for one and you just take it a printers. Even if you had one that sits in front of the head unit that would be awesome.
Yeah I was looking at one that could sit infront of the head, securely and also removable. Not sure where to get one from though
its not 3d printed, and it wouldnt be suitable to be constructed by one.
Be pretty easy to vac form something suitable.
Cool, I called a Vac company to find out more. I need to design a whole new from unit and may have something that sits over the head unit

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