
New Member
Have literally just bought my first Landy and I'm really regretting not buying one sooner. The problem I have is it came with a Cassette Radio, and having long since moved onto CDs and an iPod, I needed to sort out something to replace it. I managed to source a single DIN radio cheaply via ebay, however I wasn't happy with how it sits in the car.


The biggest problem I have is a tad pedantic. The radio sits rather plush with the rest of the trim as it sits, and having placed the new one in there is a rather obvious gap which annoys me somewhat.


Here I've got the new radio sat on top and the old one below. I've looked into taking the old one apart and using a dremel and some filler to create a trim to make it look smarter, but I really don't see this being a great option as I'm keeping the original radio in case I need it again.


I got my calipers out, and measured the dimensions of the old radio. As soon as I had them, I got a rough drawing mocked up and set to work on some CAD work for it. It's not 100% accurate, but as long as I can get it to match the existing trim then I'll be happy with it.



I've already done 3D Printing before (currently run a small website dealing in it) so I've been able to knock it up relatively easy. Have just ordered the trim tonight, so it should hopefully be here in the next few weeks. If it's as good as I plan, I'll be happy to create a master and work on producing copies for anyone who would like one. No idea on price yet, but I can't see it being that expensive for what it is.

More to come soon.

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