Mark Piercy

Well fumbled member....
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99, hdse oil burner..
sat in the garage ticking over on level ground. No height adjustments made by the ecu's.
on the motorway in normal or streamline heights it lifts the front slightly and drops every minute or so??
Jesus m'gesus! What's occurring?
When mine done that it was a front height sensor, picked up some crap when sensor went out of normal range whilst changing air bags, new sensors fitted and recalibrated been fine since. HTH.
I know a front one is a bit used! But as I say, sat in the garage all level it never moves!
ill try the eas sweet, I dont have a nananananocom for the time being ...
I just understand why on a levelish' motorway it's levelling itself! But on a level surface it's fine. Aren't motorways level? Or is it the camber it's fighting?
if the sensor is malfunctioning it will give the wrong info to the control unit when on the move.if its not going anywhere, the information will not change therefore no movement.surely you can understand that
Off course the motorways are cambered, more than you imagine, they are designed to ..........snoresnoresnoresnoresnoresnoresnoresnoresnoresnoresnoresnoresnore...............................................................................................................................................................,....................................................................................................................parp............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................another parp................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................16 hours later........................................................................................................................................................................................................mmmmm, Frosties........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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ill try the eas sweet, I dont have a nananananocom for the time being ...
I just understand why on a levelish' motorway it's levelling itself! But on a level surface it's fine. Aren't motorways level? Or is it the camber it's fighting?

I am thinking of the sensor being more than a few counts apart across the axle and as the suspension flexes it goes further apart and it tries to adjust the height.
springs it is then...arrrgh... Swearing!!
a look at the suspension setup again, will reveal all. off to Italy Friday in the bus so something will have to done. 14hrs of up down, up down....
Your target heights must be out on the front. Mine did exactly the same.
Targets must be within 2 points side to side on front and 5 side to side at the back.
wammers has suggested to me before, bending the sensor arms a touch to get the readings close when on the blocks. One of mine was a good few bits out, FR if I remember...

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