Looking good! Love the chassis, looks like a great finish.

How much of the bulkhead have you had to chop off? It looks like quite a lot in the picture but hard to tell.

Keep up the posts :)
Its a decent enough portion in mine all right langers, ill take a better photo of it later for you. but depending on how high or low you set the engine it'll probabaly be worse/better :) thankfully theres loads of room for cutting and shutting!
Hey lads heres a look at the work this weeks work!

First up was to do the brake lines:

Then had a look at the intercooler and rad setup, going to be tight, but it'll work!:

I must confess, im overly excited about how well the fans fit the rad :D
good work on the rebuild
what radiator fan set up have you got there, was it from paddocks

have you the part number

Ok so heres a look at what has to be done with the input gear so as to connect drive from the gearbox to the input of the transfer box. This has to be a bespoke setup as there is nothing off the shelf that'll do :(

SO!! heres a look at the LT230 input gear (right) and the ZF S5-42 (gearbox) output flange:

The plan is to turn down the output flange until its a stub and weld it to the end of the LT230 input gear like this:

Australian Land Rover Owners

Australian Land Rover Owners

Now, ideally i would be using a 1:1.003 LT230 from a 3speed auto RRC (torqueflight box) as this would give the perfect ratio for daily driving, but im having trouble finding one, but seeing as i havent, ive settled for the 28d 1.22 RRC box i currently have. It has the correct internals so that i can, at a later date, rebuild it as a 1.003 box (waiting for ashcroft to have em back in stock), alternatively its possible to get 2.83 ring and pinion gear sets for the diffs, but that would require swapping the back axle for a 90 axle, not the end of the world but not ideal either! either way, the 1.22 box will suit fine for the meantime (to be honest it will most likely be grand all together but the 1.003 ratio would be a more refined/comfortable ratio )

Anyway, the gear is gone out to the engineer to be made up, just been to busy to chase him about it!

So, besides the input gear ive been busy welding up the bulkhead (had some holes in it and had to be modified to get around the mahoosive gearbox ;) ) :

Also had to sort out an issue with the oil filter fouling on the steering box, managed to source a shorter filter:

Oh and ive been sanding, filling, priming and painting like a mad thing, decided to do it panel by panel as i dont have a shed big enough to do it all in one go, and i wanted to do as close to a factory paint job as i could. its taking a savage amount of time though!!! :

Heres what ill tackle today/tomorrow:

So all thats left to paint is the rear tub, roof and a few bits and bobs, just waiting for good weather to do the big bits. no way of getting them indoors :/

Let me know what ye think!! cheers
ACE LOOKING BRILL keep the piccys and updates coming following you're trials and tribulations with interest ,,
Good work your doing there mate :) , be interesting to see the end product. Good job you have it made commercial for cost of tax in ireland :lol: .Whats name that colour its nice blue?. I seen you were on about postage from england, have you tried crozier in westmeath its €10 for courier to deliver to me, or trillick up north?
I would need you to do it for me wouldn't know where to start.

Just take it one step at a time, Nothing really difficult mate, more time consuming than anything.
And if you do get stuck theirs loads of help out their, both me and Defender110 know that.
Although this kit is a good place to start.
Effectively a drop in solution, i.e engine/gearbox mounts and adapter for the transfer box, Leaving you with just the plumping in and wiring to do.
Definitely takes a lot of the work out of it and I'd have bought the full kit if it was available when I did mine.
Not the best pic.

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