Leaky Landy

New Member
My 99 TD5 makes a crunching noise as I start it. Bit odd to describe, sort of, crank it, it starts, then about a second after releasing the ignition key I get a crunch / grindy / something engaging / a bit like traction control noise.

It'll only do it is the disco has been standing with the engine off for a couple of mins. If I start it, turn it off and back on again it dunna happen!

What is it? Any ideas? Do I need to get a sweat on?:cool: .

Answers on a post card to.......... First one out of the bag gets a walnut whip!:)
sound like it might be yer starter sticking.. whip it off and make sure the slidy bit does slide
Tried that, tis ok. I found yesterday that if my foot is on the brake pedal when I try and start it, It dont happen............. Odd or wot?

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