
Active Member
Evening folks.

While you lot have been enjoying beers & BBQs on this exceptional winters day, I was deceptively invited over to my parents house for a meal. Of course there was a hidden agenda. Me old man has a TD5 Disco and needed my expertise in diagnosing a recent banging noise. Naturally my expertise goes as far as kicking the tyres so I thought I'd ask around to see if anyone has any ideas.

Basically the loud bang is coming from what I can tell to be the front drivers side corner and happens when hitting speed bumps, "level" crossings and such surfaces. It seems to only happen when the tyre hits the bump straight on and has never happened when mounting curbs at an angle. A minimum speed of about 15mph is needed for this to happen.

The bang sounds like what i could only describe as two (very) large hammers smashing together. Its a very "dead" sound, as in a CLONK with no follow up noise if you get my drift.

The entire front suspension has been checked by a garage. I have checked for play in the propshafts, wheel hubs and basically anything that moves under the vehicle. Everything seems fine.

To me it sounds like it could be something like the radius arm being pushed back but there is no sign of bush wear. Or shafts being pushed back into boxes.

Its a hard one to describe so if anyone has any questions to further understand what the F*** i am on about, let me know!

I will do my best to get a good audio recording of the issues ASAP.

Thanks in advance.
insecure jack in the engine bay?
insecure bumper?
shackles hanging off towing eyes?
bust coil spring?
plus the above already posted.
Sorry for not getting back to you guys sooner. Been a busy week to say the least!

I have checked everything you have all suggested to the best of my ability and cannot find anything amiss. I've had it jacked up and litterally checked everything that moves externally and everything seems fine.

We're gonna nip it round to one of the few specialists we have round here. I shall report back with the conclusion. I'm sure one of you were right ;)

I know its been a while. Still not had any luck on this one. Had it checked by three different garages now, a general garage, halfords and a indy-landy garage. No one can find anything wrong. Unfortunately Ive not been able to take any of them for a drive to show them the problem and they haven't managed to produce it when driving it themselves. Everything that has been suggested above has been checked.

I'll try and get a vid sometime this week. It's definitely the worst noise I have ever heard come from a vehicle. I real clash of heavy on heavy; like the gear box slamming against the cross member (checked btw).

Feel bad for my old man as he hasn't had and landy for several years and only just managed to save up enough to buy one again.. and well you know how it is when things just aren't right with your pride and joy.

Any more help is much appreciated.
I know its been a while. Still not had any luck on this one. Had it checked by three different garages now, a general garage, halfords and a indy-landy garage. No one can find anything wrong. Unfortunately Ive not been able to take any of them for a drive to show them the problem and they haven't managed to produce it when driving it themselves. Everything that has been suggested above has been checked.

I'll try and get a vid sometime this week. It's definitely the worst noise I have ever heard come from a vehicle. I real clash of heavy on heavy; like the gear box slamming against the cross member (checked btw).

Feel bad for my old man as he hasn't had and landy for several years and only just managed to save up enough to buy one again.. and well you know how it is when things just aren't right with your pride and joy.

Any more help is much appreciated.

there is a great landy wizard not far from you.he is on here and his name is jamesmartin.get in touch with him,i bet he can sort it for you.;)
Gaffer tape an old camera phone on the underside recording the suspect area ,take it for a spin then check the footage for anything unusual .

Over a bump on the front you say ,i doubt three garages would miss the obvious like the springs etc .

Unless the springs just worn out sagging so the car is hitting the bump stops on speed humps? or incorrect shock absorbers ie someone could of fitted 2" lift shocks on standard height springs causing them to bottom out .
Perished rubber engine mounts, Worn half shaft/CV/driveplate/diff splines, Steering damper mounts, could be almost anything that feels tight by hand or spanner, but under heavy load moves a bit .. When you 'checked' stuff, did you do it by hand or use a lever, crow-bar etc?

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