Well it's good news that someone has been caught. l'm fed up with seeing the lists of stolen Land Rovers on Landywatch and nobody arrested
Well it's good news that someone has been caught. l'm fed up with seeing the lists of stolen Land Rovers on Landywatch and nobody arrested
The web link has disappeared - the web site was re-vamped last week and all earlier news was lost. The article - from what I remember - a criminal gang had been operating several chop shops in Scunthorpe. Taking BMW's and other high value cars, and land rovers, from all over the country. I think 9 of the gang got jailed.
I cannot help but notice that the names Smith, Jones & Robertson do not appear among any of the names of the perps.
How very un-British. Maybe they came here in Rubber Boats? :D
I cannot help but notice that the names Smith, Jones & Robertson do not appear among any of the names of the perps.
How very un-British. Maybe they came here in Rubber Boats? :D

With those names, it seems possible they are Eastern European and hardly likely that they were refugees who made a channel crossing. Are you a Daily Mail reader?
Yes, Eastern Europeans but they make up less than 18%.
Whoever they are I am glad these people have been caught and put away.
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