Hi All
Well. I have searched the forums and thought I'd fixed it, but no.
I have a 2001 Freelander 1.8. The noise started out as a tapping from the rear off side when you changed gear or accelerated, and a knocking sound when you turned left.

I read, and thought rear diff mounts, so I replaced them. No change. I thought rear front bushes, replaced them and now the sound is worse, like a cracking when you reverse turn.

So, I searched and found the welded boss fault, on the subframe. So today I have gained access to the captive bolt. Re-welded it into position. Welded and strengthened the chassis, refitted the subframe with bolts tightening to FT and.....
The fecking noise is still there.
Ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance.
have you checked the other captive nut on that side as when the one comes loose it puts pressure on the other one.
crack on rear chassi rail rare but does happen L bulletin full version 0112 issue 2 dated 15.5.2003 replaces earlier version of 0112 that deals with captive nut then changed ag version 3 when bolt size found to be wrong
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