
Do'er of stuff and the like
ok i bought a cheap wheel bearing... £17 off ebay delivered! but even so, i would at least expect the dust seal to survive as the bearing was pressed into the hub.

No.. it fell out!


anyway managed to mackle it all together so total cost was £17 + 45 mins of labour. Managed to install it without even removing the hub completely. Just removed the top arms and rotated the hub down, some blocks of wood and a mallet and out popped the old un'

clean and grease up of the hub and then used the old bearing as a sleeve for the new un'


no messing :)

and to all the garages that quoted me 2 hours to do the job - ya slackers!
When i went to put my wheel bearing on i used a pressed and accudenatly misalligned the bearing and the seal came off. Managed to get it back on. That was 1 year ago and its stilll going good.
id never had a dust seal come off in the way it did though, the bearings are super cheap!

still its only fer a gaylander eh ;)
whether it is for a cheap car or a expensive car inside it are peoples lives so be careful with those cheap bearings.

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