
New Member
Hi, I'm getting a crack/creaking noise from the rear, worse after reversing then pulling forward. have done a search and sounds like a cracked chassis. can someone please give me a way to confirm this and an idea as to haw to repair this. if anyone has anypics that would be a big help.
Cheers Dylan
Does sound like a cracked chassis to me.

To check, undo the four bolts that hold the rear subframe to the body and let it hang, check all the mounting points in the chassis. The one that usually cracks is the drivers side front mounting which is directly under the rear seat.

You'll need to weld it from inside by cutting a hole in the floor from inside the car to get inside the chassis, weld the chassis, then weld the floor back up and maybe reinforce it from the outside too.
Have you checked the silencer is not moving, does it do it every time ? or just when you get in it after leaving the H/brake on.
no it does it all the time. MHM this is the new one!!, the old one had the HGF. Clutchdust, if I undo the subframe and let it hang, how do I tell which mount is cracked? will it be obvious?

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