
New Member
hi there does anybody have a clue where cown quarry at whitworth is becoz i stuck at need a bit of help finding it plz help me thanks paddy.
Hello Paddy, do you mean Cowm Quarry not too far from Rochdale? If so its up by the A671. Have a look at put in Whitworth and click on Whitworth, Lancashire (Town) and that should bring it up.
Hopefully its the one you want.
Hi again Paddy, don't know if this helps but found this on the Land Rover World websit:

4x4 Off-Road Driving Day Cowm Leisure, Cowm Quarry, Whitworth, Rochdale, Lancashire. Use of 150 acres of quarry, open to road legal vehicles. £25 per vehicle, per day. Call: 07970 717764 or email:

Also I think Banditman from this forum has been before so maybe if you P/M him he'll help you with directions!
Is there anyone who has been here and to briercliffe? I been to briercliffe several times but never witworth. Just wondered if someone would comment on which was better?
Whitworth has a marked trail system now and you are not allowed to go off the trail. It is very limited and after an hour or so it gets boring. Also 4x4 are only allowed on every other sunday.It was worth a go when it was a,go where you want,£10 day.|It is not worth £25 the way it is now.
American John
Here yer go mate Welcome to Cowm Leisure

As American john says Cowm is a marked out course although there are two routs, one is easy circuit and the other is a series of more difficult sections covering steep inclines, water, mud and rocks. Briercliff by comparison is smaller a complete free for all and a lot muddier, but both are good fun.
There's a boat load off off road locations in the back of total off road magazine every month, they call it 4x4 Playday Directory, all with addresses websites n phone numbers, days they are on, amenities etc etc mags not a bad read either, i been to most places up north all pretty good, some better than others but by far the worst place and worst VFM in terms of acreage per pound lol was Hill n Ditch a dissused SANDSTONE quarry with alot of water, only a tiny place and sand+water+engine didnt go well needed new starter and alternator after my visit there wasnt very challenging either.

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