You buggers. Its **** like this that makes me spend far too much time on LZ and thoroughly enjoy it :)

You can't beat bit of expert knowledge and armchair entertainment. Who the f**k needs a TV!


I've realised I've gone to far, I couldn't sleep last night, knowing someone out there didn't like me anymore, I'm wondering what I can do to get us back on track, and best buddies, just think, if we put all this behind us johhny, we could be just like these guy's, that would be so cool:dance:

The Inbetweeners Friend - YouTube
my post was in no way aimed at you, but all the new members of late that cant be arsed to introduce themselves first, so your reply implicating Im referring to you, shows your second sentence more in your keeping, you admit yourself to asking a question first, be it seconds before an intro post, wish I could type that fast

I too am a member and moderator on many other forums, does that make us "special friends" and those forums are no different to this, new members wanting shooting permission without so much as a how's your father, and when it's not handed to them on a plate, funnily enough they never post again

perhaps it's just me, grumpy old git, in future I will do more to bend over backwards for everyone without knowing anything about them, I mean, it really is a bit much off me to expect people to have manners and introduce themselves

so I will

give any info I can freely on any subject
give out shooting permissions, left,right and center
give away free swarms of bee's
give the shirt off my back
will that make new members on every forum happy and think what a great bunch we are?????


oh, and just to prove my point johnnyspencer, look through all of your 11 posts, you'll see I have not replied to any of your posts, now take a few minutes of your time to look through other new members post's, and you'll see I posted on theirs, telling them to introduce themselves first, and so you still think this was aimed solely at YOU, or all new members in general, your not that special are you

I like bees:D
Hmmm think this might be more topical that last nights Farage/Clegg match...

I can see both sides here. Internet forums are meant to be free and helpful but I think what sets this forum apart is that there are many, many people who contribute significantly to it with considerable experience and knowledge who could be under someone's bonnet with a spanner earning some money with their time - yet they sit in front of their computer to impart their knowledge and help others. I've been using the forum about 4 months and I think 3 or 4 times now a newbie has dived in and asked why the tailgate window drops when you change the battery... I think you would get the answer to that from Google without resorting to a LR forum - let alone the owners manual.

It's my view that given the considerable and valuable knowledge available on here from the senior members and moderators, they put the effort in, hence they can set the rules, the rest of us are guests (myself included) and should respect the rules. If you don't agree with the house rules, there are other forums...
Given the number of times I've seen "Tannaton" offering advice and help, I'd say more than a "guest", maybe as I see myself an "apprentice".

Thanks for the compliment - I've gained so much knowledge from this forum in 4 months I think it's only fair to put something back in if I can.

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