
I have fitted new crankcase breather. oil, air filters. new oil. and new vcu

2004 td4 150k miles

the issues im having is blue smoke emitted from exhaust

not sure what it could be, I always think the worst I-e turbo seals.
but im hoping something simple.

I have a egr bypass new glow plugs and turbo breather filter to be fitted.

the second issue is random, there is a rotational ticking noise, like someone had put a zip tie on the prop and its slapping the chasis

to join the odd noises it has a metallic bell ringing noise from underneath I think.

any ideas. would be a great help.
blue smoke is oil burning it might be with the filters you have replaced the engine has not had chance clean itself. have you given it a good couple of runs on the motorway yet. second point does the sound show while in neutral or only in slow travel? if nothing been change since purchased then vcu bearings are worn causing the props to be slack. hopefully a grownup will correct soon.:oops:
car has had a few good runs, still smoking a bit.

vcu bearings were changed with vcu and only does it while moving
Is the engine oil level dropping?
Yes, you have a seal problem.
No, could be a dirty manifold or turbo hoses have alot of oil in.
The noise could be the IRD unit, bearings can wear if not looked after. But it could be something stuck underneath maybe on the new vcu bearings. Hard to say.
does the blue smoke come all the time or just at start up ??

did it smoke before you serviced it ??
If the breather filter was blocked, lots of oil finds its way into the inlet tract. This will then take many miles of running to eventually clear out again. My recently acquired TD4 SE had the same blue smoke, mostly at startup. I've done 500 miles since changing the filter and the blue has gone.
think mine needs doing too - still has the loo roll type in it and at the last service i just washed it in petrol ............
not sure if it has done 500 miles since service. I don't think it is all the time, puff on startup little when idling, then a little heavyer each gearchange,

I don't think it was doin it before service. im pretty sure it wasn't, and the breather was minging.

ill check the oil level,.

and the noise was doing it before vcu and bearings were changed, still doing it now.
ok, bell ringning noise I have narrowed to cat, I think its internally poorly

another issue has arised thou. I have new vcu and gkn bearings, I have a feeling one or both bearings are making noise.
is this possible. there not 4 months old.
Who fitted the bearings? Were they both dead straight with the VCU? If one was lined up with the front prop shaft it will probably fail quickly.
Check that the VCU bearings are straight. I used a steel ruler butted it against the VCU and measured to each side of the bearing, adjusted to get them even. Repeat of the other end.
i fitted them, matched them to the old one. tapped them in leaving a little space inbetween the dirt washer spacer thing, then when mounted to car tightened them up last to the body so they sat at a natural angle
i fitted them, matched them to the old one. tapped them in leaving a little space inbetween the dirt washer spacer thing, then when mounted to car tightened them up last to the body so they sat at a natural angle
Not sure what natural will be. I find they move when you go to tighten the bolts so you need to be careful they stay dead straight. First time I did it I kept one of them in line with the propshaft which was wrong as the prop was off at an angle.
the bearing bracket to body needs to be straight? I don't think mine is, didn't want to stress the rubber, what am lining it up against, the chasis?
excellent, thank you.
I guess if I have noise, one has gone already

so, I would like good ones to replace. there are loads on ebay, I don't know which is good and what isn't, the ones on there were from britpart. along with the new vcu
I just ordered a pair off ebay. I looked for the Bearmach brand although to be honest I have no idea if they will be better than the cheapest rubbish. If you want to be certain look for GKN but you might get better prices from some of the big web sites like Island 4x4. Also you might have a better chance of them being genuine.

Edit, have you checked the diff support bushes? Common fault in Freelanders.
i have a diff bush on order, front one has gone, thuds going into 2nd ill swap that out when I sort the exhaust.

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