
New Member
Hi Guys,
New here and trying to find my first landy.

Any advice would be much apprieciated as I need a reliable and trustworthy truck to use for work.

I have about 5-6k to spend on a 110 county to transport people and canoes around the wye valley.

Do you think thats enough for something you can rely on?

ye thats more than enough your find a tidy (as tidy as landys go) 300tdi 110 for that much :D
Great, there are quite a few around but keen to get one from an enthusiast.
I need all the seating I can get so a freelander won't do it I'm afraid.

Looking forward to getting one though...:)
£6k will buy you a very decent 300 tdi 110 County Station Wagon. As with all cars, it'll be reliable as long as you treat it right. Regular servicing and general maintenance will go a long way. Sounds like an ideal use for a 110. I went canoeing in The Great Glen in Scotland, and they had a very old battered 110 with 2 canoes strapped to its roof and 6 canoes on a huge trailer behind it. It was an old 2.5 N/A diesel so it was VERY slow on the hills. Shouldn't be a problem with a 300 tdi though, plenty of grunt.
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