
New Member
Hi guys. Im distraught! Went to work yesterday (forestry) and my landy was a beast, taking the snow in its stride. Got a 90 300tdi (1998). Worked all day tackling some pretty bad sitations i must admit...but all went fine. Even helped a mate of mine pull a grit lorry up a hill on our way back to the yard (wish i had my camera!).
But anyway... left the yard to come home on the main roads. Poodaling along at about 35 on a straight bit of road when suddenly it goes! Lost all grip and was sideways and down a ditch hooked up in some trees before i knew it!
Luckily i was fine, just though to myself, why am i hanging by my seatbelt?! So anyway, i got out and called my work matyes who came and winched me out. Promptly got in it and drove it to the nearest farm to leave it there...
The damge: Well... left wing, right wing, and bonnet all dented pretty bad. windscreen surround bent. passenger door ****ed. and front of roof slightly distorted. Oh and left front tyre down but drove alright after wheel change and doesnt look like any damage down there.
Def an insurance job, but praying it can be repaired rather than write off. My landy was immaculate!
Has anyone got any ideas if such damage can be easily fixed? little worried about the roof being damaged but think it just bolts on at the front to the windscreen surround that attaches to top of the bulkhead?
Reckon its worth about £ thats what i paid for it! just hope repair costs wont be too much.
Any words of advice would be good if anyone has been in a 'oops' situation before :doh:
Oh and im insured with admiral.
Cheers, Chris
Unless the shassy has twisted and distorted in any way i recon it wont be an insurance write off!

The insurance company would (I think!) Only write it off if the damage would cost more to repair than the value at what is insured at.

And going on what you have descibed the damage to be itl not cost you that much (7 Grand) to put right!

Depends on how much you like your battle scars:D:D

If it was me, and it drove ok then i would just sort the roof out for now and then get each panel sorted over time so that your not forking out one big lump all in one go!

Remember if you make a claim the Bastards will shaft ya next time round!!!

And just put it down to experience :(

As long as the bulkhead is inact it would be a few hour job to replace the panels as long as the bolts are not rusted on.

If the bulkhead is damaged then it will be a few more hours work.

As long as the chasis remains square its an easy fix.
The thing with landies is they love snow but not ice.

Insurance companies generally like to write cars off and I doubt they will agree with the 7 grand value cos they is gits.

I would imagine you are looking at more like 4k and 1k off to buy it back.

You are looking at about 600 to buy the panels second hand - a few hours work to fit and then it is just a respray.

If it was me I would just redo myself over time and not bother with insurance but it is everyones own decision

You could make quite a bit of money out of it if you have an agreed valuation and they do write it off then buy it back, and then fix it up................
You could make quite a bit of money out of it if you have an agreed valuation and they do write it off then buy it back, and then fix it up................
totally agree,i got me mate a nice little series ages ago for 800 quid had his accident innit and got wrote off.They paid him out 1500 quid,then he bought it back for 250 then sold it has it was for 750:D:D you work the sums out:rolleyes:
I dont know if this is the same with all insurance companies,but when our campany landrover 300 tdi on a 51 plate was damaged just like yours (sideways into a ditch) it was written off,mainly because they said that any vehicle over a certain age with roof damage is automaticly writen off because insurance companies dont like messing with damaged roofs...
I dont know if this is the same with all insurance companies,but when our campany landrover 300 tdi on a 51 plate was damaged just like yours (sideways into a ditch) it was written off,mainly because they said that any vehicle over a certain age with roof damage is automaticly writen off because insurance companies dont like messing with damaged roofs...

Sounds like another insurance company that knows nowt about the vehicles it insures.

Defender roofs are a straight bolt off and replace part. unlike. Unlike most Monocouque vehicles where the roof is an integral part of the vehicles safety cage/structure.
yep i know,we tried to tell them this but they didnt want to know,they just said
(if i remember right) any vehicle over 5 years old with damage to the roof is automaticly written off.......:(
Hi guys. Im distraught! Went to work yesterday (forestry) and my landy was a beast, taking the snow in its stride. Got a 90 300tdi (1998). Worked all day tackling some pretty bad sitations i must admit...but all went fine. Even helped a mate of mine pull a grit lorry up a hill on our way back to the yard (wish i had my camera!).
But anyway... left the yard to come home on the main roads. Poodaling along at about 35 on a straight bit of road when suddenly it goes! Lost all grip and was sideways and down a ditch hooked up in some trees before i knew it!
Luckily i was fine, just though to myself, why am i hanging by my seatbelt?! So anyway, i got out and called my work matyes who came and winched me out. Promptly got in it and drove it to the nearest farm to leave it there...
The damge: Well... left wing, right wing, and bonnet all dented pretty bad. windscreen surround bent. passenger door ****ed. and front of roof slightly distorted. Oh and left front tyre down but drove alright after wheel change and doesnt look like any damage down there.
Def an insurance job, but praying it can be repaired rather than write off. My landy was immaculate!
Has anyone got any ideas if such damage can be easily fixed? little worried about the roof being damaged but think it just bolts on at the front to the windscreen surround that attaches to top of the bulkhead?
Reckon its worth about £ thats what i paid for it! just hope repair costs wont be too much.
Any words of advice would be good if anyone has been in a 'oops' situation before :doh:
Oh and im insured with admiral.
Cheers, Chris

Was a fatality near bigger the other day the landy rolled, another bad one near abbington services a landie with a trailer, again it rolled and the roof was flattened, dont know the outcome of that one. Think its a good idea to have a roll bar in one.
yep i know,we tried to tell them this but they didnt want to know,they just said
(if i remember right) any vehicle over 5 years old with damage to the roof is automaticly written off.......:(

If the air bags go off its usually a loss aswel, insurance told my son they are a grand each to replace on a honda.
Was a fatality near bigger the other day the landy rolled, another bad one near abbington services a landie with a trailer, again it rolled and the roof was flattened, dont know the outcome of that one. Think its a good idea to have a roll bar in one.

Foook me! do you think you are in vincible just because your in a landy??? Why does it come as a massive shock that people can be killed whilst driving a Landy?

Yes they are pretty strong compared to 'cars' but if your on icey roads for fooook sake slow down! Drive to the conditions!

Yes you may crash and yes you maybe fine but wat about that poor C**T walking his dog on the side of the road whos not sat in a landy 'with a roll cage on'

Rant over :D Enjoy yor landys but for fook sake drive em with care theyre not toys!
Foook me! do you think you are in vincible just because your in a landy??? Why does it come as a massive shock that people can be killed whilst driving a Landy?

Yes they are pretty strong compared to 'cars' but if your on icey roads for fooook sake slow down! Drive to the conditions!

Yes you may crash and yes you maybe fine but wat about that poor C**T walking his dog on the side of the road whos not sat in a landy 'with a roll cage on'

Rant over :D Enjoy yor landys but for fook sake drive em with care theyre not toys!

Seen a lot of cars rolled over but landies seem to come off worse, and the point I was making was not necesarily for road use coz they do roll over in the woods too. The guy who was killed was an elderly gentleman and unlikely to be belting it.

I think it might be the weight factor, I have had cars rolled over many a time for parts etc and rolled them back over with a little damage, bad recovery practice can have the things destroyed almost. I dont think they offer better protection than a car to be honest.
Seen a lot of cars rolled over but landies seem to come off worse, and the point I was making was not necesarily for road use coz they do roll over in the woods too. The guy who was killed was an elderly gentleman and unlikely to be belting it.

I think it might be the weight factor, I have had cars rolled over many a time for parts etc and rolled them back over with a little damage, bad recovery practice can have the things destroyed almost. I dont think they offer better protection than a car to be honest.

True true mate, however rolling a stationary car over will only damage the screen and snap the wing mirrors off.... Roll the same car over at road speeds (30 40+) and its a different ball game.

Yes i too fall into the trap of feeling untouchable when im in me tin box (Including me Landy) But then each time i attend an RTC i think fook me they are litrally like tin cans! Litrally! Humans arnt designed for that kinda mechanics......

Off road rollovers are usually at low/no speed therefore it just a case of a giant mechano kit and some new panels he he
I wouldnt claim..from a personal experience..they shaft you next time and basically over about 3 years you pay the damage in premiums...
better off pushing the roof back, find someone to like at the windscreen (claim a windscreen if you have that covered as you dont lose no claims)
Get a second hand door and just get a panel beater to straighten everything up...should be fine

you can be sure your insurance wont pay out anywhere near 7k...i had a car worth 6 and they paid out 4200....not great
Well just had the news... Caffyns have quoted £7000 to fix it!! They must be having a laugh. No structural damage, just panels like i said; roof,door,winscreen surround, wings, bonnet. Side step, mirror, and wheel/tyre.
Thinking im going to withdraw the claim and save my bonus. Think im just gona get the roof and door done and drive with some battle scars for now!
Anyone from near Rye/Hastings reccomend anywhere to go. Or anyone know where i can get the panels for best price?

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