First Landy

New Member
Hi, I have just recently aquired a 1959 Series II. It is fitted with a 2.25 engine ca. 1994 I am told. It was running well but today started to cough and splutter and jump alot. This happened after it was hard to start. The engine turns over fine and seems to idle ok but once it is in gear and moving it all goes a bit wrong.

Looking at the fuel filter it seems to only be quarter or half full, could this be the problem. I have taken the filter off and made sure the pump is working. It is pumping fuel but I have no idea if it is pumping enough.

Anyone got any ideas on how I can sort this one?
I had a similar problem, it was fine whilst ticking over but when I put the engine under load it started missing and dying. Turned out it was the coil.

Regards WP.
yeah check yer ign system from points to plugs. then if yer real careful pour about a desert spoon of petrol down the carb. then start it if it revs ok you have a fuel blockage or duff pump. don't really know to best top describe how much fuel you should get on each stroke of de pump as i just go by experience..
80% of all engine/car problems are electrical rather than fuel.
that should give you idea where to start looking?
Thanks guys. Being new to the Landy owning experience and not being overly advanced on mechanics I have ordered a new coil and will start by trying that. Thanks for the advice above as I would have replaced all fuel parts first up....

Will let you know how it goes.
If the coil doesn't fix it I'd try the contact breaker points (in the distributor) - sudden poor starting and loss of power can be down to pitted points. Buy a spare set anyway - if they arent wrong now they will be one day. And if you really want to make it run better try fitting electronic ignition - easy enough to do, saves wear on the points and improved my old SIIA no end.

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