
Having a senior moment
Wee all loves landyzone but none of us has any idea how much it costs to operate.

Some months I have a fiver that I could contribute... sometimes a tenner and once in a while it might be as little a couple of quid.

Most of the time i do not bother because I feel that my small contribution would be so small as to be of no help in the big picture of things.

Maybe a clear figure like "WE need to raise £X to keep the site running... might help along with...." we have raised £x this year!" Any surplus going to HFH would be a strong bonus!

Just a thought:D


Wanna Tenner?
iv'e only just noticed that me name ain't red no more but i donate automatically every month.
There is also the donate button on the header bar for one off or monthly donations.

bet lots of peeps don't notice that, or ignore it, or simply have no idea what the costs are

even if half the active members gave a fiver every quarter Accy could stay on the beach all year round
bet lots of peeps don't notice that, or ignore it, or simply have no idea what the costs are

even if half the active members gave a fiver every quarter Accy could stay on the beach all year round

Sean - you're probably quite right there.
I took a while to spot it.... although once found, its easy to figure out what the options are..
Cant imagine that most peeps would have an objection to placing a few coppers in the coffers ... its worth it for the humour-element alone, never mind the archive of good guidance...

Maybe a bit of 'subtle marketing' to bring it to the general attention wouldn't be a bad move.

Wow... expected to be shot down but it seems like the idea might be a goer! Personally I don't care if Accy makes a few quid.... he's putting enough into the project that's for sure. So exactly what does it cost o run a site like this?

I know you could do it on the cheap... the source code for the forum can be got as freeware - hosting on a small server can be as little as a couple hundred a year but I suspect that this hosting is a bit larger scale due to the storage and bandwidth needed - not to mention the reliability...

Oh yes.. and the headache tablets! :)
You gotta change it yerself in User CP. Do a :search:FFS:D

Yeah ya ficky, do a search.... :eek: (I had to ask)

:eek::laugh::laugh: heh heh .. ok, "Pillock admission" ... i did try, and in typical I.T.Incompetence Mode, failed miserably. C Minus.. must try harder :D:bounce: I will retreat now, head bowed in shame and make another attempt.
I shall consider myself reprimanded in the sternest terms and will ping my left bollock by way of punishment :D:D
I stopped being a donater because there isn't that sort of openness.
How do we know we're not just contributing to Roy and Accy's carribean ollerdees?
:eek::laugh::laugh: heh heh .. ok, "Pillock admission" ... i did try, and in typical I.T.Incompetence Mode, failed miserably. C Minus.. must try harder :D:bounce: I will retreat now, head bowed in shame and make another attempt.
I shall consider myself reprimanded in the sternest terms and will ping my left bollock by way of punishment :D:D

Wee update... Found out that there should be a 'donator' bit in the user CP .. but maybe because i done a 'one-off' donation first, and then another 'monthly' one, I probably buggered the system up...
So ... "own fault" probably ...
no biggie :) :) :eek::eek::D
I shouldn't be too surprised if in this vast array of professions on here there are some good clothing printers/ embroiderers.

I'd def have a hoody or two
wouldnt mind buying a hoody or two and maybe some other fun raising / advertising stuff

how about asking who wants what to gauge the response ????
How about if I was to offer landyzone a discount on my trackers... they could then sell them and the difference added to the coffers....

Just a thought... being a skint type of chap and wanting to contribute to LZ that does, after all, occupy a great deal of my evening life!
Wee update... Found out that there should be a 'donator' bit in the user CP .. but maybe because i done a 'one-off' donation first, and then another 'monthly' one, I probably buggered the system up...
So ... "own fault" probably ...
no biggie :) :) :eek::eek::D

click 'usercp'

Then look down the left hand column for 'group memberships' click on that and there should be a check box to tick saying 'identify me as a donator'

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