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I have been planning a trip to Corsica for a while now.
So,we got back from a 6 day trip a couple of weeks ago.
I did quite a lot of research to plot off road routes mainly from Wickiloc.I only planned to do tracks graded as difficult or expert only,as the lesser graded tracks,I find you could drive in most family cars.
We cretainly wren't dissapointed,every day we had to drive sections of track that required low box & difflock.& ever the rear air locker was called into service on one occasion.
The island of Corsica is stunning,with mountains upto 2000m & beaches to rival the Carribean.
Here are a few pics for your enjoyment.
I plan to head down there within the next couple of years, any camp sites you can recommend?
Yes.....All of them!!!!
We didn't plan any of the camp sites in advance,just arrived at our destination each night,googled camp sites in the area & picked one!
They were all good in my opinion.But so long a s there is a hot shower thats all I need,as I'm set up for wild camping.
I'm planning to go again this year as I enjoyed it so much.
I am arriving to Corsica on the 12th of September for 6 days with my pertner. We hope to car rental service to hire a scooter for our stay. I don't really want to book accommodation in advance as we want our plans to be flexible. We want a couple of days in the mountians and a couple by the sea.

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